How to increase serotonin?

Serotonin is a substance that is produced in the body at the moment of happiness. If a person is in a state of apathy, anxiety, he has a bad mood, depression , sleep is broken, this means that the serotonin content is lowered. Serotonin is a natural neurotransmitter that forms in the brain, which directly affects the mood of a person, the quality of sleep, and is able to reduce pain.

Where does serotonin come from?

Serotonin does not enter the body with food, but is produced in the brain, but it can still be stimulated by certain products, as well as other methods.

How to increase the production of serotonin in the body?

First, let's talk about the products that increase the level of serotonin in the brain:

You need to eat complex carbohydrates - they are digested slower and more even than simple ones. Contain complex carbohydrates in such products:

It is necessary to use healthy fats omega-3, which are contained in:

Black chocolate is very useful for increasing serotonin levels. In addition, it raises and the level of endorphins - pleasure hormones. All this is due to the cocoa contained in the dark chocolate.

Products containing caffeine, including energy drinks, should not be used. If you are used to drinking these drinks, drink them at least after eating.

How else can I increase the level of serotonin in the body?

There are other ways to raise serotonin levels:

  1. Very well helps voluntary exercise. At physical exertion, tryptophan increases, which remains after training for a long time, and a good mood remains for a long time. If there is no possibility to go in for sports, go for a walk at least an hour during the day - thereby burning calories and increasing the level of tryptophan and serotonin.
  2. Natural sunlight contributes to the formation of the hormone serotonin. Just pushing the curtains toward the sun, a person gets joy.
  3. Go through a massage course - it helps to get rid of fatigue, relaxes, reduces stress.
  4. Avoid frequent stress. Learn to express yourself, for example, to draw, sing, dance. Help yoga, breathing exercises.
  5. Intimate closeness with a loved one also brings joy and pleasure.
  6. Pleasant memories very well help with the synthesis of serotonin. Spend more time with family and friends, rejoice together. To get rid of the state of depression, you can look through the family album.