Nitrosorbide - indications for use

There are a lot of drugs that stimulate blood supply. Nitrosorbide is one of the most famous drugs that are effective, but it is rather mild. Indications for the use of Nitrosorbide are many. The knowledge of who should take the medicine and how exactly it should be done will not prevent anyone.

From what tablets Nitrosorbidum are appointed or nominated?

Nitrosorbide is a classy antianginal drug related to organic nitrates. The medication affects the venous vessels, thereby reducing the need for oxygen in the myocardium and normalizing the patient's condition. After taking Nitrosorbide, blood pressure decreases, and blood flow in the ischemic areas of the myocardium is restored (if any). Thanks to this drug, people suffering from problems with the cardiovascular system, better tolerate physical activity.

Nitrosorbide is indicated for use in the following cases:

  1. Most often, the medication is prescribed for patients with angina pectoris. Nitrosorbide not only helps to cope with the next attack, but also prevents its occurrence in the future.
  2. Often, the drug is included in the complex therapy during the treatment of pulmonary hypertension.
  3. Nitrosorbide is indicated for use in patients who have had a heart attack. With the help of the tool, recovery is much faster.
  4. The medication has well proven itself as a means for relieving arterial spasms and preventing pulmonary edema.
  5. Another indication is chronic heart failure .

Some specialists prescribe Nitrosorbide for the control of endarteritis and angiospastic retinitis.

How to take Nitrosorbide?

Select the appropriate dose and appoint a truly effective treatment course can only specialist. And to precede any kind of appointment necessarily comprehensive examination of the patient. Depending on the physical parameters, age, form of the disease, its neglect, the duration of the treatment course and dosage may vary.

Basically, the drug Nitrosorbide is used inwards before meals. If for some reason, take the pill before eating failed, it's okay - Nitrosorbide can be drunk and a couple of hours after eating. The standard dosage is 10-20 mg four times a day. The dose may increase several times, if after a few days after the start of treatment the effect of the drug will not be noticeable.

Usually, you do not need to chew the tablets - just simply drink them with water. If it is necessary for the drug to start acting as soon as possible, Nitrosorbide should be placed under the tongue and wait until the tablet has dissolved completely.

In addition to tablets, there are other forms of medication. For example, it is more convenient for some patients to use a spray. In this case, one to three doses of the drug should be injected into the oral cavity. Other patients prefer films with Nitrosorbide that adhere to the gums.

As with any medicine, Nitrosorbide has contraindications for use:

  1. The main contraindications are hypersensitivity and individual intolerance.
  2. It is not recommended to treat patients with arterial hypertension, hemorrhagic stroke and craniocerebral trauma with Nitrosorbide.
  3. Do not use the drug to treat children.
  4. Use an alternative medicine follows with acute myocardial infarction, arterial hypotension or cardiac tamponade.
  5. Dangerous Nitroorbide may be for people prone to orthostatic hypotension.