Why do birthmarks appear?

Why does a child have birthmarks? Very often young parents ask such a question. You can tell them only one thing: what's unusual about it? All people are born without these marks, and as they grow older, they appear, so to be surprised and even more so, because of the appearance of moles, the baby does not have to worry. But why there are more and more new birthmarks on the body and the face of an adult has to think about.

Why are there many new birthmarks?

It is believed that moles appear due to hormonal changes occurring in the body, which is why their active appearance begins in adolescence. Another occurrence of moles can be caused by an overabundance of ultraviolet action on the skin - lying on the beach or in the solarium, get a pair of moles.

If the moles are on the body a lot, but they "behave normally" - do not increase dramatically in size, do not change their color, do not bleed, then there is no cause for concern. True, if moles are in the open parts of the body, on the face and are often exposed to external influences, they are recommended to be removed in order to avoid the possibility of degeneration into a malignant tumor. But the decision to remove can only be done by a doctor, so it is not necessary, after discovering a birthmark on his hand or face, immediately run away to remove it.

Also, the appearance of moles can be associated with a genetic predisposition. And more recent studies of English scientists have revealed an interesting regularity - a large number of moles are most often found in people of great biological age. Thus, the appearance of moles clearly demonstrates the rate of aging of the body. And also the owners of a large number of birthmarks, all the same English scientists, are inclined to attribute to the number of long-livers. So many moles is not bad at all, but in this case it is better to shorten stay in the sun. Of course, no one forces you to acquire a morbidly aristocratic pallor of the skin, just do not fry in the sun when it is at the zenith.

Why does the body have red moles?

Some people are concerned about the appearance on the body of red, as if bloodshed, moles. The strangest thing is that specialists still can not establish the exact reason for the appearance of these markers, although there have been many versions on this occasion at various times. One of them - a violation in the pancreas or colon. Although its modern specialists began to be questioned. The most popular is the version about the occurrence of red moles due to violations of lipid metabolism or due to dermatological pathology. But without an examination by an experienced specialist, it is impossible to pinpoint the cause of the birth of a red mole, and whether it carries any danger to your health. Only a doctor can prescribe laser removal of a mole, as well as a course of treatment.

Why do hanging birthmarks appear?

Hanging moles by and large moles should not be called birthmarks, because these are papillomas (the formations that appear when a papilloma virus is infected). Such formations are removed by laser or electrocoagulation. But in this case, the decision to remove can only be taken by a doctor, and therefore it will not work without consulting a specialist.

As we see the reasons why birthmarks are not so small, but if the usual lone birthmark can not cause any concern, then a red or hanging mole requires a visit to the dermatovenerologist. The main thing to remember about this, because your health depends on how much you are attentive to your body.