Non-developing pregnancy in the early stages - reasons

Quite often, the cause of abortion is the arrest of fetal development. In medicine, such a violation was called "undeveloped pregnancy." Consider it in more detail and try to figure out what most often causes a similar phenomenon.

What are the main causes of undeveloped pregnancy?

To begin with, it should be noted that according to statistical data, approximately 15-20% of all pregnancies end this way. At the same time, it is customary to single out the so-called "crisis periods", i.e. the time when the development of such a violation is most likely. They include: 7-12 days (implantation process), 3-8 weeks of gestation (embryogenesis period), up to 12 weeks (placenta formation). It is worth noting that the most dangerous in this regard are the first days of pregnancy.

If we speak directly about the reasons for the onset of an undeveloped pregnancy in the early stages, then the following groups of factors should be singled out:

With regard directly to how the fading of pregnancy occurs, then everything depends directly on the cause.

So, for example, in inflammatory processes, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate directly to the fetal egg. This leads to the fact that it does not attach to the wall of the uterus and pregnancy does not develop.

The presence of unidentified and chronic infections in time leads to infection of the embryo and amniotic fluid itself, as a result of which it dies and pregnancy does not develop further.

What are the main consequences of this violation?

Having dealt with why there is an undeveloped pregnancy in general, let's talk about the main consequences.

So, according to medical observations, approximately 80-90% of cases of women who have undergone a non-developing pregnancy, subsequently safely give birth to healthy babies. However, it should be noted that if this violation was observed 2 or more times, it automatically becomes a habitual status. In such cases, a woman is diagnosed with "miscarriage". It is forbidden to plan pregnancy until the end of the prescribed treatment.

Thus it is necessary to say that in order to prevent a non-developing pregnancy, it is necessary to completely exclude the causes and factors causing it, in order to avoid consequences. This needs to be done at the planning stage.