Can I gain weight if I quit smoking?

Among people, a stereotype is common, that if you quit smoking, can you gain weight, but in fact everything depends on the actions of a person suffering from a bad habit. In the body, dopamine is produced - a hormone that allows you to feel pleasure. This happens, as a result of tactile sensations, with the use of delicious food, alcohol and during smoking.

If you quit smoking, you can gain weight?

When a person refuses cigarettes, the body experiences stress and many people try to drown it by eating harmful food. As a result, he receives the necessary dose of dopamine. Still it is necessary to tell that if earlier to feel saturation to the smoker there was an ordinary portion of food, then after getting rid of a bad habit this will be not enough. This is due to the fact that the body used to direct all efforts to purify the body of toxins, while blocking the function of the digestive organs.

All this leads to the fact that people increasingly come to the refrigerator, taking out of it harmful foods for the body, various semi-finished products, sweets, pastries, etc. In addition, during the day, former smokers often allow themselves different irregular and harmful for the figure snacks . And as a result, the weight begins to increase.

How to lose weight if you quit smoking and gained weight?

To avoid a set of extra pounds, you need to start eating right. Give preference to fractional food, that is, you need to sit down at the table five times. The food should be balanced and include vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, fish and sour-milk products. As a snack instead of sweets, use dried fruits , but only in small quantities. Prepare the food correctly, using different spices, which will allow you to enjoy without harm to health.