Moderate polyhydramnios during pregnancy

Each future mother knows perfectly well that amniotic fluid is vital for an unborn baby. After all, it is the amniotic fluid that creates optimal conditions for the development and growth of the baby in the womb, and also protects it from mechanical damage.

The amount of amniotic fluid is of great importance for the favorable course of pregnancy and the full development of crumbs. And doctors consider pathology a condition, both an overabundance, and a disadvantage of an amniotic fluid.

If the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus of a pregnant woman is slightly higher than the permissible norm, they speak of moderate polyhydramnios. In this article, we will talk about what can contribute to this state, and how dangerous it is.

Causes of moderate polyhydramnios in pregnancy

In most cases , even the doctors can not determine the true cause that caused the excess of the amniotic fluid . Characteristic symptoms in this condition often does not happen, and the diagnosis is established only on a planned ultrasound. Meanwhile, a lot of different factors can contribute to this pathology, such as:

Treatment of moderate polyhydramnios in pregnant women

Polyhydramnios, even mild, is a very serious pathology, to which one should not be taken lightly. In such a situation, the future mother should be under the vigilant control of doctors, so in no case can not refuse if you are offered to go to the hospital. Without treatment, even moderate polyhydramnios during pregnancy can cause severe consequences for the child - from serious developmental anomalies to its fading.

When making such a diagnosis, a pregnant woman is usually prescribed a course of antibiotics in order to prevent intrauterine infections, diuretics to relieve the body of excess fluid, and funds that establish uteroplacental blood flow, such as Actovegin and Curantil.