11 midwifery pregnancy week

In the period from 11 weeks and one day until the end of the 14th week of pregnancy, the first ultrasonic fetal screening is performed to detect early congenital malformations. But abortion is only carried out for up to 12 weeks, because often an ultrasound is carried out exactly when the obstetric pregnancy is 11 weeks plus 1 day. And in the case of apparent malformations, pregnancy is interrupted.

Obstetrics 11 weeks - the size of the fetus

Normally, the weight of the fetus by this time is 10-15 g, all organs and systems have already formed. When the 11th obstetric week begins, the fetus can hold the head, hears well, it has grasping reflexes, sexual organs begin to form.

On ultrasound in this term, the CT of the embryo is 40-51 mm, BPR is 18 mm, DB is 7 mm, the diameter of the fetal egg is 50-60 mm. This week, you must measure the cervical fold for early diagnosis of Down's syndrome (size should not exceed 3 mm).

Also, it is necessary to check the presence, the size of the nasal bone is measured later (at a norm of 3 mm to 12 weeks). If the nasal bone is shortened or absent, it is also possible to suspect chromosomal pathology ( Down's syndrome ).

In addition to the sizes, the bones of the skull are visible in 11 weeks, the chambers of the heart are not always clearly visible, but the heartbeat must be rhythmic, 120-160 per minute. The intestine of the fetus should be in the abdominal cavity, but at this time the umbilical ring can remain wide enough. During the examination, all severe developmental disabilities that are incompatible with the life of the child should be found for the timely termination of pregnancy.

Feels at 11 midwifery pregnancy week

At this time, symptoms of toxicosis in a pregnant woman may still appear, but they are already somewhat weakened. The uterus is still within the small pelvis and the shape of the abdomen in the woman does not change. Because of hormonal adjustment, mood swings, insomnia or drowsiness , digestion disorders (nausea, constipation, heartburn) are possible.

A pregnant woman may have rashes on her skin, allergic reactions. Continuation of the reorganization of the mammary glands to feed the baby, so they may be painful, swollen, the chest increases in size, and colostrum may appear colostrum. From the genital tract may appear white or transparent discharge in moderate amounts, which can continue throughout pregnancy.