Dopegit during pregnancy

High or slightly elevated pressure during pregnancy is a frequent phenomenon that darkens the child's waiting time for nausea, dizziness and other unpleasant sensations. Nobody argues that pregnancy is not the period when you can conduct experiments with drugs. However, it is worth to prepare for the fact that in the presence of pressure surges, you will most likely prescribe Dopegit during pregnancy. This medicine is successfully used both in the world and in domestic obstetrical practice.

What is Dopegit for pregnant women?

This medicine consists of such active and auxiliary components as: starch, magnesium stearate, acetylcellulose, alpha-methyldop, talc and stearic acid. It is produced exclusively in tablet form. The substances in its composition can bring the pressure back to normal within 4 to 6 hours after use, and the result is stored for a couple of days. Also, the components of Dopegita during pregnancy can reduce the number of cardiac contractions and the minute volume of blood that they transfer. Half of the drug is absorbed directly from the digestive system.

How to take Dopegit during pregnancy?

The maximum amount of medicine consumed per day should not exceed a value of 1 gram. If a woman takes other drugs of the same spectrum of influence, then the Dopegit norm should be reduced to 500 mg. If there is a consistent positive effect, then gradually reduce the dosage of Dopegit during pregnancy. During the period of drug use the following negative phenomena are possible:

Such side effects are characteristic for the first days of taking the drug, which requires compulsory consultation with the attending physician or observing the bearing of an obstetrician. It is specialists who will prescribe the necessary daily norm of the medication and prescribe other medications that are compatible with it.

In what cases are Dopegit tablets recommended during pregnancy?

Women who are in the position, this drug is prescribed only for acute need. There are clinical studies that deny the negative impact of Dopegit during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester or at any other time. It should be taken in such cases:

Given the fact that Dopegit has a mild effect, it is often supplemented with other drugs that help reduce blood pressure.

Dopegit's instructions during pregnancy forbid the use of the drug if the following pathologies occur:

This drug is considered safer than, for example, clonidine or other similar potent medicines. Particularly relevant is Dopegit during pregnancy in the first trimester, when there is a need to urgently conduct appropriate treatment.

Dopegit is well tolerated during pregnancy, which makes it almost ideal for long-term use. However, such use requires constant monitoring by doctors who must evaluate the usefulness of the liver and the state of the pregnant woman's blood.