Raspberry leaves during pregnancy

Many people like raspberries not only for their flavor and taste, but also for its useful properties. Traditional medicine for the treatment of various ailments often applies not only the berries of the plant, but also its other parts. Future mothers are interested in more details about how useful raspberry leaves for pregnant women, the particularities of their use, whether there are any contraindications, how to prepare a decoction. After all, there are a number of nuances that you should know before you start drinking.

Benefits of raspberry leaves during pregnancy

First it is worth considering what healing properties this amazing plant possesses. That's why raspberry leaves are valued:

It is the latter quality that is especially appreciated by future mothers. Thanks to substances that contain leaves, the ligaments of the birth canal relax, the cervix softens. This accelerates the onset of labor and facilitates their flow. Also increases the elasticity of the vagina, which is also important for the woman in labor, because it protects the woman from ruptures. It is believed that women who during pregnancy regularly drink a decoction of raspberry leaves, can count on a fairly light birth. Often, such properties of the plant are used by those who did not give birth before the expected date, but walks.

Precautionary measures

It is obvious that such properties of a plant deserve attention of every future mother. But it is important to remember that taking a healing drink has its limitations.

Due to the ability of the leaves to promote softening of the cervix, it is not recommended to use a decoction until 36-37 weeks gestation. Otherwise, there is a risk of premature birth.

But even with pregnancy at a later date, before you start using raspberry leaves, it's best to consult a doctor. He will say whether it is possible to start using it in a particular case or whether it is worth waiting a little.

How to prepare a decoction?

It is best to collect leaves when they are young, that is, in spring and early summer. At this time in them the maximum amount of useful substances. It does not matter what kind of raspberries it is, the main thing is that the gatherings take place outside the city, far from the exhaust gases.

The sheet must be well dried and chopped. To prepare a healing drink should be 1 tsp. Raw material pour a glass of hot water. Steep boiling water is better for this purpose not to use, as it will destroy a significant amount of nutrients. The resulting broth should be infused for about 10 minutes, cool, then filter it. Drink the drink slightly warm, start with 1 cup a day. Then you should slightly increase the temperature of the tea, and increase its daily norm to 3 glasses. You can add honey, because it will make the taste more vivid, and make the drink even more useful. But only women who do not have allergies to beekeeping products can afford this.

When pregnant before birth, raspberry leaves should be eaten regularly, then you can feel their effect. After drinking just one cup, do not wait for the visible result.

If a woman has stocked up a lot of leaves, then she should know that they will be useful to her after giving birth. The drink will help the young mommy to regulate lactation.