Allergic rhinitis in pregnancy

So our female organism is arranged, that the state of pregnancy that inspires us spiritually can unexpectedly bring surprises connected with well-being. And one of them may well be allergic rhinitis.

Allergic rhinitis in pregnancy is an allergic disease of a mild form, signs of which are nasal congestion, swelling of its mucous membrane, secretion of a sufficiently large amount of mucous secretion of a watery consistency, burning sensation in the pharynx, dry cough, lacrimation and necessarily multiple sneezing. Its cause is contact with the allergen: dust, dust mites, insects, pollen, mold, yeasts, certain categories of food, medicines.

Rhinitis during pregnancy , as a rule, appears or worsens due to changes in immunity and hormonal background: under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, there is a change in the vessels and tissues of the muscles of the nose.

Concerning whether the allergic rhinitis affects the fetus during pregnancy: directly, through the placenta, allergosis arises in it, but despite this, the child, being in the womb, can be "suppressed" by the uncomfortable state of the mother, get the negative effects of medications, which takes the mother, including causing a violation of utero-placental blood flow. In addition, it is scientifically proven that not only the tendency to allergies, but also hypersensitivity to a certain number of allergens can be transmitted to the kid by inheritance. By the way, breastfeeding, stopped before the child reaches 4 months of age, increases the risk of frequent allergic reactions by at least 2 times.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis in pregnancy: "No" to self-medication!

Allergic rhinitis in pregnant women requires compulsory qualified treatment and control by an allergist and ENT doctor, since self-medication is unacceptable here: incorrectly and unauthorizedly taken antihistamine medication because of unaccounted contraindications may lead to the need for resuscitation. For example, dimedrol at doses over 50 mg late in the day has a stimulating and stimulating effect on the uterus, astemitozole - a toxic effect on the fetus, known to all suprastin and claritin can be prescribed if the effectiveness of treatment exceeds the risk for fetal development, Tavegil - exclusively for life indications.

But the use of medications is the elimination of the symptoms of the disease, whereas for the recovery one must fight, eliminating its cause - the allergen that caused the allergic reaction.