Superficial gastritis

Today gastritis has become one of the most common diseases. Failure to comply with the diet, violations of the healthy regime of the day, stress, poor ecology, overexertion - all this on the body affects extremely negatively. Superficial gastritis - it is with this type of disease that you have to face most often. Although this disease is not fatal, it is necessary to fight it, moreover, it should be done very promptly and responsibly.

Symptoms of superficial gastritis

Most often gastritis develops due to neglect of their own organism. Smoking, food from fast foods, favorite crunches, chips, fizzy drinks - all this is very heavy food for the stomach. Do not benefit the body and the fact that most meals are, as they say, on the go. Because of this, the walls of the stomach are irritated, and gastritis develops.

There is another reason for the appearance of superficial gastritis - a harmful bacterium. A pathogenic microorganism can live in man for many years and does not manifest itself in any way. But as soon as he can feel for a weak spot in the immune system, begins to develop, thereby provoking the onset of the disease.

There are many subspecies of superficial gastritis. Symptoms of diseases are mostly similar. The most important symptom, characterizing both the usual and chronic form of superficial gastritis, is pain concentrated in the right hypochondrium. Unpleasant sensations mainly arise after overeating, eating acute, salted or heavy food. Often the pain is accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, nausea, eructations, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

With focal superficial gastritis, the pain is spot, in case of diffuse gastritis it spreads throughout the entire body and is noisy. Accordingly, the lesions in the first case are local, in the second - cover the entire gastric mucosa, and therefore the treatment requires a longer.

Antral gastritis is another type of disease. Its name speaks for itself - the disease affects the antral part of the stomach. Therefore, with superficial antral gastritis, pain also occurs, but they are closer to the intestine.

Other symptoms of the disease include:

How to treat superficial gastritis?

Before proceeding to treatment of gastritis, the patient should undergo a survey. This will help clarify the diagnosis and choose the most appropriate treatment. Mainly a professional examination will determine whether the disease was caused by a bacterium or not. If the cause of gastritis is in a harmful microorganism, the treatment course will include antibiotics. The remaining forms of superficial gastritis require practically the same treatment:

  1. Oblivatory wrapping preparations (Maalox, Gaviscon, Gastal, Fosfalugel). They will relieve the main symptoms of gastritis.
  2. Coping with severe pain helps antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Papaverin, Spazmalgon and others).
  3. Vitamin complexes will not be superfluous.
  4. Enzymes such as Mezim or Pancreatin, for example, will take care of normal digestion.

And, of course, with superficial gastritis diet is important. Compliance with it is the key to a successful recovery. For the duration of treatment, the patient should abandon fatty, fried, sharp, smoked, salty foods, products containing artificial colors and preservatives. Of course, you will have to give up all bad habits.