Chlorophyllipt for babies

The main causative agents of infectious diseases, including nasopharynx, are staphylococcus and streptococcus, as well as other cocci. Chlorophyllipt for babies is an excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent that successfully fights against the above-listed pathogens. This preparation of plant origin, its main active ingredient is extracting the extract of chlorophylls from the leaves of eucalyptus.

Chlorophyllipt oil for the throat is suitable for infants, it can also be used for a cold, by dropping a drop into each nostril. It is better to use alcohol to treat nasopharynx in older children or to heal an umbilical wound in a newborn. It also helps to save the baby from sweating quickly and reliably. To do this, moistened with chlorophylliptine solution, wadded disk or a piece of bandage wipe the affected skin areas 2 times a day until all spots disappear. After the first application, you will notice a positive result.

Indications for use of chlorophyllipt for children under one year of age

For newborn children, this remedy is good because it does not have a detrimental effect on the beneficial microflora, but it also damages the staphylococcus without causing a dysbiosis.

Assign an oil chlorophyllipt for babies in such cases:

Chlorophyllitis is used not only for staphylococcus, but also for the treatment of stomatitis in the mouth, wounds and abrasions.

If Mom is fond of soap making, then at home, this drug is used to prepare antibacterial soap. Still a big plus of chlorophyllite is its very reasonable price, available to any family budget.

Contraindications to the use of chlorophylliptine infants from the throat are associated only with personal intolerance or hypersensitivity to the drug. In order to detect this and not to harm the baby, it is necessary to conduct a test: to make a small injection in the oral cavity and wait for a reaction of about 10 hours. In case if during the test there was a swelling of the lips, mucous of the nose or mouth, then the drug should not be used.

Of course, chlorophyllipt is not a panacea for all diseases for babies, but it is necessary for every family to have it in the home medicine cabinet, along with hydrogen peroxide and zelenok.