The abstinence state - what is it and how to remove the withdrawal syndrome?

Prolonged intake of substances that can form a dependence, provokes their interference in the metabolic processes in the body. Refusal of their use leads to the development of a syndrome called the withdrawal state. What it is - in this article.

Abstinent state - what is it?

This is a dependence in which a substance withdrawal from a person who develops psychoactive substances develops a group of symptoms of a psychopathological, vegetative and somatoneurological nature. An abstinent condition is a condition that develops in the absence of alcohol, tobacco, drugs or psychotropic drugs. Without their regular application, the person's well-being deteriorates, and with the resumption of use, his condition improves. If there is no income, the desire to take "a dose of buzz" is extremely increased.

Causes of withdrawal symptoms

Repeated, prolonged consumption of psychoactive substances in addition in high doses leads to the formation of such a state. An abstinence syndrome in alcoholics is formed after 1-2 years of constant use of ethanol-containing beverages. The fastest dependent are taking cocaine and heroin. The slowest development of abstinence occurs with hashishism. Stimulants and hypnotics, spices quickly form a break in the refusal of their use.

Abstinence syndrome - symptoms

The course of the disease in all cases is different. Those who are interested in what an abstinent condition is with different forms of drug addiction, it is worth noting that they are characterized by psychopathological symptoms, although opio- nia and hashishism are the most "beating" in the vegetative system. The severity of signs of the abstinence state depends on the intensity of the previous narcotization. In all cases, several phases of the course of the disease are isolated, the symptoms of each of which disappear in the reverse order of their appearance.

Abstinence syndrome with alcoholism

Depending on the intake of ethanol, there are 4 degrees of severity:

  1. Easy degree . The patient feels broken, his attention is weakened, his eyes run.
  2. Moderate degree . Alcohol abstinence syndrome at this stage manifests itself as insomnia, lack of appetite, acceleration of heart beat, rapid breathing.
  3. Expressed degree . At this stage, eye contact with a person is reduced to a minimum. There are hallucinations and episodes of confusion. Pulse is frequent, tormented by shortness of breath, nightmares.
  4. The last stage . The abstinence syndrome after binge at the 4th severe stage causes hallucinations, fear, aggression, inadequate reactions. A person does not sleep and does not eat, sweats badly, suffers from cramps.

Abstinence syndrome with smoking cessation

Having decided to quit smoking, a person experiences discomfort within an hour after the last puff and the more time passes, the stronger withdrawal symptoms that are in:

  1. Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, increased attacks of cough.
  2. Sweating, disturbed sleep , irritability and anxiety, trembling of the hands.
  3. An abstinence syndrome with smoking can cause stool disorder, nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Abstinence syndrome with addiction

Drug addicts experience 4 phases of withdrawal syndrome:

  1. After 8-12 hours after the last dose, discomfort and psychoemotional stress appear. The pupils dilate, tears and mucus flow from the nose, the skin crawls, sleep and wakefulness, appetite.
  2. The narcotic withdrawal syndrome at the second stage develops in 30-36 hours. The patient throws something in the heat, then in the cold, he sweats, sneezes and yawns.
  3. After 40-48 hours, the craving for taking the drug becomes very strong. To already mentioned signs are added cramps, drawing pains .
  4. After 72 hours, digestive system disorders are added. The drug addict tears, the rectum is shortened with the attachment of pain. A person becomes aggressive and dangerous to others. The craving for drugs becomes insurmountable.

How long does an abstinence syndrome last?

The duration of the condition is determined by many factors: the stage of the disease, human health, the duration of the last episode of the use of harmful substances. In the case of alcohol with mild abstinence, the dependent can do without a hangover a day or more. Cupping of the withdrawal syndrome at the second stage will be needed within a day. At strong desire the person is capable to be kept and to not drink. In the third stage of alcoholism, it is almost impossible to keep from a hangover, and in severe cases the withdrawal state is extended for an indefinite time.

How to remove withdrawal symptoms?

This ailment can not be confused with the usual hangover and poisoning of the organism that accompanies it. In this case, a person helps to relieve the symptoms of intoxication, but the help of a dependent is somewhat different. The withdrawal of the withdrawal syndrome can not be done in a home environment. The patient should be placed in a narcological dispensary, since he can not adequately perceive his condition. Thus narcologists pursue the purpose to stop a syndrome and to help the patient to refuse the use of psychoactive substances in the further.

It is important to find a middle ground between complete anesthesia and minimal help, so that the body in the future does not perceive treatment as a "gift", a pleasant pastime, otherwise later in the rehabilitation of the patient there will be even greater difficulties. In medicine, there are cases when, after treatment, the patient returned to his usual way of life, and those who survived the break-up without the help of doctors never again touched the source of their illness.

Medicines for withdrawal symptoms

A complex therapy of this ailment is being conducted, aimed at combating all the signs of the disease:

  1. Treatment with detoxifying substances - naloxone, etc.
  2. The abstinence state is suppressed by tranquilizers, neuroleptics, hypnotics and antidepressants with subsequent cancellation. To support CNS it is possible with the help of tramal, clofelin tiaprid.
  3. Reduce the pain in the muscles help non-steroid drugs - ibuprofen, etc. Their reception is combined with massage and warm baths.
  4. Correct insomnia, anxiety and psychopathy. Take Phenibutum with abstinence syndrome, noophen, other nootropics.
  5. Substitution therapy with drugs that combine with opium receptors - buprenorphine, methadone. Corvalol with abstinence syndrome reduces the intensity of such disorders.