How thin was Alexander Strizhenov?

Well-known Russian actor, scriptwriter, director and producer Alexander Strizhenov to 40 years has very much recovered. The weight of the popular artist reached 140 kg, and this greatly worried his beautiful wife, the actress and TV presenter Catherine Strizhenov.

The actor took the decision to implement quickly enough and in a short time managed to get rid of more than 30 kg. Subsequently, he not only did not lose the achieved result, as is often the case with rapid weight loss, but reached a new record - eventually Strizhenov lost 45 kg. The actor has changed so much that his friends and friends hardly recognized him. Seeing the actor in a new image, in a strict suit instead of the usual wide sweaters, everyone began to wonder how Alexander Strizhenov lost weight?

How thin Strizhenov - two attempts

Alexander made the first attempt to lose weight, having decided to apply cardinal measures, he experienced one of the hungry methods of losing weight. Fasting on mineral water helped the actor get rid of 15 kg in three weeks, but this method can not be attributed to a healthy and dietetically justified method. The disadvantages of hungry diets are such factors as stress and shock to the body, as a result of which the weight lost during fasting returns quickly.

The second sample Strizhenova was more successful, effective, based on healthy nutrition and increased physical exertion. This approach to the problem of excess weight justified and exceeded expectations - Alexander Strizhenov lost weight, looked younger, changed his image and wide overalls for stylish fashionable costumes.

Diet of Alexander Strizhenov

Nutritionist advised the actor to start losing weight from unloading days, the purpose of which was to reduce the volume of the stomach and the size of portions of food intake. The first stage of weight loss included two fasting days a week - one on apples, one on kefir. This approach served as a preparatory base for a complete change in the ration and diet of the actor.

The next step was to adjust the diet and choose the best diet for Strizhenov. First of all, the sausage products, fatty meat, sweets, desserts, carbonated drinks, bananas, grapes disappeared from the actor's diet. The Strizhenov diet was based on the Japanese system of slimming geisha, in which preference is given to seafood and vegetables.

In addition to changing the diet, Alexander Strizhenov used several tricks that helped him to cope effectively with excess weight:

  1. Half an hour before any meal, the actor drank a glass of slightly warmed water with lemon juice. This method helps to get rid of overeating and reduces one-time portion.
  2. Half an hour after each meal Strizhenov ate one grapefruit . This approach allows the body to burn excess calories, since grapefruit has a unique property called negative calorie. That is, the processing of this fruit is spent much more calories than it enters the body.
  3. The most satisfying in the diet is breakfast, in the morning lean ham, boiled eggs, low-calorie cheese, yogurt, oatmeal, coffee are allowed, in the preference vegetable menu - boiled or baked potatoes, rice, salads from fresh vegetables is preferred.
  4. Alexander minimized the use of carbohydrates, after 16.00 he took exclusively protein products. This aspect is due to the slowing of the pancreas in the evening. At dinner, the actor ate steamed, boiled lean meat (chicken fillet, beef) or low-fat fish.
  5. During the day, the actor drank a lot of water, which significantly reduces appetite, you can add lemon, orange, mint leaves, vanilla to the water.
  6. Cooking also has one secret - its salt is directly in the dish, and not in the cooking process, thus, it is possible to reduce salt intake.

Using such a diet, actively engaged in swimming in the pool, Alexander Strizhenov quickly put himself in order, which is very pleased his fans.