Plastic operation on the nose

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular procedures in plastic surgery, only breast enlargement surgery can compete with it. What you need to know about how the plastic surgery will affect the nose, and whether it is possible to do contour plastic surgery? Very soon we will have answers to these difficult questions.

Contour plastic nose

The simplest and most harmless procedure for correcting the shape of the nose is contour plastic. This is not a complicated surgical operation, the improvement of the form in this case occurs under local anesthesia, the surgeon introduces a special gel- filler into the tissues. With the help of contour plastics, you can solve the following problems:

The only thing that the procedure does not allow is a reduction in the length and volume of the nose, which is what most plastic surgeon clients strive for. In this case, patients are shown rhinoplasty.

Plastic surgery of the nose

As a result of rhinoplasty, you can not only make yourself a nose of any shape, but also completely change your face, as the surgeon interferes with the bone structure during the operation, which can cause certain shifts in the area of ​​cheekbones and other areas. That's why rhinoplasty is performed for people over 18 and under 40.

The first requirement must be fulfilled because, until the bones and cartilages have completed their formation, the consequences of the operation are unpredictable.

Mature age is a contraindication for the simple reason that the skin by this time loses its elasticity, and tissues regenerate much more slowly. Having received a new nose, you risk to earn and new wrinkles. And in the worst case - non-healing wounds.

If you decide to do a plastic surgery, it will be difficult to look at the nose after it: the recovery period takes about two weeks, the first of which you will spend with plaster and plaster on the bridge of the nose. Finally, a new shape of the nose will be visible only after two months, and the last strokes of the surgeon's work will cease to be noticeable during the year. The plasticity of the wings of the nose, when the main part remains unchanged, heals much faster.

Plastic operation of the tip of the nose

A little to raise the tip of the nose can be with fillers, but to completely get rid of the lowered, or too protruding tip will help only rhinoplasty. What will be your new nose, you can find out before surgery right in the doctor's office. Having studied the structure of the skull, the features of the bone structure and the quality of the cartilage, he will suggest that you familiarize yourself with the possible variants of your nose modeled on the computer. You will see your new face and get a chance to express your wishes regarding how you want to watch it in the future. It is only necessary to take into account that the individual reaction of the body is not so easy to predict, therefore, even if the surgeon does his job skillfully, complications are possible, and the new form of the nose risks not being exactly the one to which you aspired. According to statistics, approximately 20% of patients do repeat rhinoplasty. True, almost nobody else did not ask them to return their former nose.

What will be the nose after plastic surgery?

In the first days after surgery, your new nose will be swollen, swelling and bruising can spread to the entire face. In the future, the process of regeneration will go according to the capabilities of your body. It is important to remember that even after full healing, your nose will have to be greatly protected. Surgical intervention does not go in vain, because even a common cold can have fatal consequences, and trauma risks leading to tissue rejection. This, of course, happens very rarely, but who is forewarned is armed.