Oak bark with diarrhea

Diarrhea is quite unpleasant and uncomfortable. It can be the result of food poisoning, a violation of the digestive tract, or a sign of a dangerous illness. Traditional medicine offers many recipes for getting rid of this disease, which not only removes symptoms, but also removes the cause of diarrhea .

Oak bark is one of the best assistants in ridding diarrhea. The astringent and tanning properties that are found in the cortex are very effective in treating diarrhea in high concentrations. This natural product also contains organic acids and flavonoids, which also have a beneficial effect on the body.

Oak bark preparation

The bark of an oak can be bought in a drugstore, at herbalists or at home. The simplest option is to purchase it from specialists, but if there is such an opportunity, it is better to prepare it yourself:

  1. For this, it is necessary to select an oak, the age of which does not exceed twenty years, during the movement of the juice along the trunk in the early spring, before the tree dissolves the leaves.
  2. The bark must be disconnected from the cork layer and pieces of wood. Thus, you will get natural, quality raw materials, which can be used in folk medicine to treat diarrhea.

How to apply oak bark for diarrhea?

There are several ways to apply oak bark in the treatment of diarrhea. One of them is infusion:

  1. To prepare the infusion, only one teaspoon of crushed bark is used, which is poured into two glasses of cooled boiled water.
  2. After that, the liquid must be infused for eight to ten hours in a dark place at room temperature.
  3. Next, you should strain the infusion through dense gauze, since the crushed bark will interfere with the use of the medicine and can even negatively affect the stomach.

Infusion should be taken throughout the day in small sips.

Experts do not recommend taking ostrich infusion from children, because their body can not accept a product with a high concentration of organic acid and astringents. But this does not mean that it is absolutely counter-indicative to apply the bark of oak in the treatment of diarrhea in children, since it can be used as an enema. It is recommended to use it for people who have a history of peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer or gastritis.

In order to make an enema, you must first prepare a decoction, for it you will need:


  1. Fill the raw material with water.
  2. Insist for half an hour in a thermos bottle.
  3. During the application of the decoction, the temperature of the liquid should be about 37 ° C. This one is very important. Therefore, before starting the procedure, try the infusion temperature by slightly lowering the elbow or dropping it on the inside of the wrist.
  4. To increase the effectiveness of the drug, you can add to it ten drops of valerian.

Precautionary measures

The use of infusion and decoction of the bark of oak for diarrhea or poisoning have contraindications to the use, which must be taken into account in order to avoid additional health problems.

First of all, decoction from the bark of oak is not recommended if you suffer from intestinal diseases that are accompanied by persistent constipation, since astringent properties of the preparation can aggravate your position. Also it is necessary to avoid tinctures, broths and enemas from the bark of oak with hemorrhoids . In addition, the use of this folk remedy for a long period of time is not recommended, since when it is systemically introduced into the body in large quantities, it can manifest a negative effect and destroy the intestinal microflora.