Milk with soda

If at the first sign of a cold you rush to the pharmacy, this article will be very helpful. Medicines are guaranteed to solve the problem, but only if they are chosen correctly, for which it is necessary to consult a doctor. Do not you want to go to the polyclinic to cure an ordinary cough? Then try milk with soda. This folk remedy is absolutely safe and has proven itself very well.

Treatment of cough with milk and soda

Using milk with soda when coughing can significantly accelerate recovery. The healing effect is due to several factors:

Together, all these properties allow you to replace the usual soda with soda. Of course, only if the patient's condition is not severe, there is not too high a temperature and the disease passes without complications.

At the first stages it may seem that from the treatment with milk with soda cough only increases and the disease progresses, but this is not so. With colds and SARS, bacteria begin to spread along the respiratory tract, the body tries to fight them, there is a dry superficial cough. Thus our body gets rid of clumps of mucus and phlegm in the lungs, but if they are too thick, the cough is ineffective and weak. Therefore, pharmacists at this stage prescribe a drug that improves expectoration and dilutes the mucus:

When they are used, the cough becomes deeper and stronger, which helps to clear the respiratory organs from bacteria faster. The same effect is obtained by treatment with milk and soda. A disease that could last for weeks and end with complications will go away in a few days.

Recipe of milk with soda at a bronchitis

This folk remedy effectively proved itself even in such serious cases as bronchitis. In particular - caused by smoking chronic bronchitis. Using milk with soda, the desire to smoke disappears, and having got rid of a cough there is a chance and at all to get rid of a bad habit. Cooking and taking milk with soda in bronchitis and with colds follows one pattern:

  1. Take 250 ml of whole milk, heat to a temperature of 70-80 degrees. In no case do not bring to a boil!
  2. Add 0.5 teaspoons of soda to the milk, stir, pour into a cup, from which you will be comfortable drinking.
  3. In order to improve the taste and enhance the strengthening effect, you can add to the drink 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey or 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter. If you like cinnamon , you can add a little ground powder. This spice has antiseptic properties.
  4. Take a sip of warm milk. Repeat this procedure 2 times a day until complete recovery.