Folk remedies for parasites in the human body

Pharmacological preparations for breeding helminths are very effective, but they have a significant drawback. These medicines are extremely toxic, damage liver cells and negatively affect the digestive system. Therefore, it is better to use folk remedies against parasites in the human body. Natural remedies are no less effective, and when used correctly, they are absolutely safe.

Simple folk remedies against parasites in the human body

With a weak invasion by helminths, it is sufficient to eat foods that are harmful to worms and promote their paralysis and natural excretion:

Also, parasites in the body are well assisted by folk remedies in the form of beverages, for example freshly squeezed juices:

Some folk remedies can be used to prevent parasites in the human body, both in courses and continuously. Perfectly cleanses the digestive tract compote of hips, mint, strawberry tea. Coriander has similar properties, even if added to dishes as spices.

Effective folk remedies for removing parasites from the human body

To combat strong infestations, phytopreparations based on medicinal plants and fungi are excellent.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

Grind the washed mushrooms. For lack of fresh, you can use dried chanterelles, but they will need 3 tbsp. spoons. In a small jar of glass, mix raw materials with vodka, close tightly. Insist in the dark and cold for at least 14 days, shake the compound every day. Drink 1 teaspoon of the product before going to bed, after that nothing is. The course of therapy - 30 days.

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

Sliced ​​raw materials are brewed in water and allowed to stand for half an hour. Drink 0.5-1 tsp every 6-8 hours, preferably in between meals.

Recipe # 3


Preparation and use

Pour the grass with boiling water, insist for an hour, and then drain. Before each meal (for half an hour), drink 10-15 ml (0.5-1 tablespoon) medication, at least 3 times a day.

Complete destruction of parasites in the human body by folk remedies

The most effective way to get rid of worms is the so-called "troch" - a combination of preparations from shells of walnuts, clove seeds and wormwood grass. Removal of parasites from the human body by the described folk remedies affects all types of helminths, ensuring their safe, but rapid elimination.

Nutty tincture


Preparation and use

Wash and peel the nuts. Rind finely chop, in a tightly closed container, pour alcohol. Insist to spend in a place inaccessible to the sun for a month. The solution should be shaken periodically.

Reception is carried out in accordance with the plan. On the first day you should drink 0.5 cups of water, dissolving there 1 drop of tincture. Every other day, repeat the procedure, adding 1 drop of the drug - on the 5th day, their number will be 5 pieces. On the 6th day in a glass of water, dissolve 2 teaspoons of infusion, with a weight of more than 70 kg - 2.5 tsp. The next 5 days, drink 2-2.5 teaspoons of the drug twice, but add them to 50 ml of water. Then it is enough for the first time in 24 hours at the indicated dosage for a month.

At the same time, two other components of the "triple" should be taken.

Preparing medicines from herbs wormwood and clove seeds is easier - you just have to grind each of the components to the state of the powder.

Scheme of wormwood treatment:

Dosage is gradually increased by 1 pinch until on the 14th day it is 0.5 st. spoons. The next 6 days, until the 20th, you must take half the st. spoons of wormwood, and from the 21st day it is enough to conduct the procedure once a week.

Powder should be consumed before meals, 1 time, previously diluted with water.

Scheme of treatment with cloves:

In the first 10 days, the powder is taken every 8 hours, before meals. After that, this portion is designed for once a week.