Kleoma - cultivation

This annual herb plant impresses with its beauty and exotic appearance. The homeland of the glamor is the tropics and subtropics of South and North America, as well as the north of Africa. There, in natural conditions, it reaches a height of about one and a half meters, and in our climatic zone grows only up to 90 cm. In our gardens, you can find only one species of this South American beauty - a prickly pear.

In Europe, because of the shape of flowers, a clover is often called a "spider-flower", but our growers prefer to call it a "flower-bouquet" or "flower-salute". The flower itself is small - 2-3 cm in diameter, but because they are collected in a racemose inflorescence about 20 cm in diameter on a long pedicel, then even one stem gives the impression of a bouquet. Cleom is abundantly blooming in the warm season - from June to September. Complement the beauty of the colors of the Cleoma complex light green leaves, under which are short stipules in the form of thorns. The most common varieties of prickly clusters for planting in the flower garden are "Rosakenigin" (tender pink flowers), "Helen Campbell" (white), "Giant Pink Cussen" (large dark pink flowers).

Cleom: growing and grooming

  1. Temperature . The temperature should be at least 15-20 °.
  2. Location . Cleom is a warm and light-loving plant, so it must be grown on a sunny and sheltered place from the wind.
  3. Watering and humidity . Watering sparingly and only in the dry periods of summer, you can mulch the soil . Humidity must be moderate.
  4. The soil . Need a nutritious and fertile soil for a good growth of the flower.
  5. Transplantation . Cleoma very badly tolerates the transplant, so picking can not be delayed - the younger the plant, the easier it will be for him to get accustomed.
  6. Top dressing . When digging up the land for the peasant, add 1 pound of bucket with the compost and 2 tablespoons of complex fertilizers, after pouring, pour the solution of humate into the root. For the season 1-2 times can be fed with complex fertilizer.
  7. Pests . They are very rarely affected, the flower is resistant to diseases and pests.

It is very easy to take care of the cleomoy - weed the weeds, loosen them in time and moderately water them. Seeds for a season have enough time to mature, so with the multiplication of its problems there.

Cleomia: Reproduction

The clover is propagated by seeds that retain their germination capacity up to 2-3 years.

Cultivation of clover from the seeds can be done in two ways:

  1. Sowing under the winter right in the garden, at a depth of 1-1.5 cm.
  2. To sow the seeds of the Cleoma in March in a box or in a greenhouse.

Consider the features of planting and care for seedlings and seedlings of Cleoma, obtained in the second case of cultivation:

Cleoma in the landscape of the garden

Gardeners often do not know how to plant a glue so that it harmoniously fits into their flower garden. It is a universal flower. Cleoma is also good for planting in the middle of a flower bed with lower plants, and as a background in the background, and with a single planting. It can decorate a large garden area, if you plant only its large massifs.

Very original look next to it are white and pink echinacea, ibeiery, laveter, colorful phlox , fragrant tobacco, solar rudbeckia, etc.

Choosing glue for planting in your flower garden, you will never regret. This spectacular unpretentious in the care of the plant will please you with its long colorful flowering and strong aroma attracting bees.