Dystrophy in children

The question of proper nutrition and metabolism in the child's body takes, no doubt, all parents. In this article, we will talk about one of the forms of eating disorders - dystrophy, and also consider the causes and symptoms of the appearance of one of the most serious diseases - congenital muscular dystrophy in children.

Pediatric dystrophy

Dystrophy is usually called one of the types of eating disorders, which results in the gradual depletion of all systems and organs of the human body, leading to the inability of the body to function normally. Depending on the severity of manifestations, the dystrophy may be mild or severe (although, it is difficult to draw a clear line between these forms). The highest severity of dystrophy is called atrophy.

Causes of dystrophy

Among the factors that increase the risk of developing dystrophy, distinguish between external and internal. External include adverse environmental effects, inadequate or inadequate nutrition, unhealthy emotional atmosphere. Often the reason for malnutrition may be insufficient milk from the mother, retracted or flat nipples (making it difficult to suck), tight mammary glands, sluggishness of the child when sucking. Most often, the activity of sucking is insufficient in weakened, premature babies or in those who have had asphyxia or other birth trauma. Often the cause of development of dystrophy is loss of appetite due to improper feeding, forced introduction of complementary foods, etc. Various diseases (both congenital and acquired) can contribute to the disorder of metabolism.

Dystrophy: symptoms

The first sign of dystrophy is the reduction of the subcutaneous layer of fat in the body (first on the stomach, then on the chest, arms and legs, and later on the face). The initial stage of the disease is called hypotrophy. Physicians distinguish three stages of it:

  1. Lack of weight does not exceed 15% of the norm. The growth is normal, on the body and limbs the fatty layer is somewhat reduced, the skin color is slightly paler, but generally it does not go beyond the norm. The work of the organs and systems of the body is not broken.
  2. Lack of weight in the range of 20-30%, growth below the norm by 1-3 cm, the body is thinning the subcutaneous fat layer, the muscles are flabby, the turgor of tissues is reduced. Skin pale, going to the folds. Expressed a violation of appetite, sleep, mood is unstable. The development of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted.
  3. Lack of weight exceeding 30% is a sign of grade 3 hypotrophy. At the same time, developmental dysfunction and growth retardation are well marked. Subcutaneous fat is absent, the skin is covered with wrinkles, eyes fall, the chin is pointed. There is an obvious flabbiness of muscles, a large fontanel is drawn in. Appetite is broken or absent, the patient has thirst, diarrhea. The development of infectious diseases is gaining momentum, since the body's basic capabilities are sharply weakened. Because of the thickening of the blood, hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells are increased.

Progressive muscular dystrophy is a group of inherited diseases of the musculature of the body. Modern researchers suggest that its development is associated with a violation of the enzyme balance of the body, but there is no precise data on this yet. In muscular dystrophy, muscles grow slowly (often disproportionately, asymmetrically), muscle strength decreases in direct proportion to the degree of development of tissue damage. If a child begins to change his face during puberty (forehead shape, incision or degree of eye contact, thickness of the lips) - consult a doctor, it may be a manifestation of the onset of development of muscular dystrophy in adolescents.

For the diagnosis of "dystrophy", the doctor must examine the child, examine the data on the growth, weight, pace and nature of the development of organs and systems of the child's body.

Treatment of dystrophy in children

Treatment of dystrophy is necessarily complex, and is chosen taking into account the age, the state of the child and the degree of damage to the body, as well as the form of the disease and the causes of its development.

The most important and mandatory part of the treatment is the appointment of a proper diet - full and appropriate age. Also shown is vitamin therapy, vitamin supplementation with vitamin-mineral complexes. The higher the severity of the disease, the more cautious it is to introduce changes in the diet - a sharp increase in diet can lead to deterioration and even death of the patient. That is why the treatment process must be under the supervision of physicians.