Herpetiform dermatitis

During's herpetiform dermatitis is a chronic disease that periodically recurses and represents rashes on the skin that have a resemblance to herpes and are accompanied by itching and burning. Eruptions are polymorphic and occur more often in men aged 20 to 60 years.

Causes of herpetiform dermatitis

The etiology of pemphigus - herpetiform dermatitis is unknown until the end. There is an assumption that this reaction causes sensitivity of the body to gluten - a protein of cereals, which is formed in the body (in the intestine) for the assimilation of food. Another possible cause is hidden in the endocrine changes during pregnancy or menopause .

The following factors increase the risk of developing herpetiform dermatitis:

Given that patients are sensitive to iodine, some scientists suggest that this disease can be an allergic reaction to endogenous stimuli. Viral etiology is also likely.

Symptoms of herpetiform dermatitis

The main symptom of the disease is bright scarlet eruptions, which are localized mainly in the area of ​​shoulder blades, shoulders, waist and buttocks, as well as on elbows and knees. Rash may appear on any part of the skin except the palms and feet. In these areas, spots of hemorrhage (about 3 mm) may appear.

This reaction is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a feeling of weakness and severe itching.

Eruptions on the skin with herpetiform dermatitis have the nature of papules, blisters and spots - this is the true polymorphism. Gradually, a false polymorphism joins it - crusts and erosions form on the site of rashes, sometimes leaving scars behind and pigmentation disorders.

Erythematous spots are clearly delineated and have a rounded shape. Gradually they can merge into solid formations of cyanotic or scarlet.

Bubbles with this disease reach 2 cm and are filled with a clear liquid, the turbidity of which can speak of the development of the infection, in which case the disease is classified as herpetiform bullous dermatitis.

The period of remission of the disease can be long, and reach a year.

Treatment of herpetiform dermatitis

Treatment dermatologist herpetiform dermatitis deals with a dermatologist. Treatment consists in local treatment of rashes, medication intake, and also observance of a diet.

Treatment of the disease is currently difficult due to the fact that the specific causes of this disease have not been fully established. In total, despite the fact that herpetiform dermatitis outwardly resembles herpetic manifestations, and it is probably of a viral nature, the treatment scheme is similar to the treatment of an allergic rash .

Medications for herpetiform dermatitis

Doctors in this disease appoint inward sulfone funds:

If these funds do not give a positive result, corticosteroids are prescribed.

Local treatment for herpetiform dermatitis

  1. For the treatment of the skin shows the reception of warm baths with potassium permanganate.
  2. To remove the itching, use ointments and aerosols with corticosteroids.
  3. Bubbles are opened and treated with either fucarcin or zelenok.

Diet in herpetiform dermatitis Dühring

Compliance with diet plays an important role in the treatment of the acute phase of herpetiform dermatitis. Since the protein of cereals causes a similar reaction, their reception should be excluded. Also it is not recommended to include iodine products in the diet: