Incompatibility at conception

Quite often young married couples face such a problem as incompatibility at conception. It is this fact that is the reason that couples can not give birth to a child for a long time.

What are the types of incompatibility?

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish the following types of incompatibility:

The first type is characterized by the incompatibility of blood groups during conception. It is known that in order to reproduce the child, it is necessary that both future parents have the same Rh factor. Otherwise, the female body will constantly reject male sperm, i.e. there is a so-called conflict , which is one of the reasons for incompatibility in conception. Despite this, in some cases, the occurrence of pregnancy. Then such a woman is under the constant supervision of doctors, because of the high probability of miscarriage.

If a couple has a genetic incompatibility at conception - this means that when pregnancy occurs, they are more likely that the fetus will have any kind of genome breakdown. The most common disease that occurs in this case is Down's syndrome .

How can a couple determine the incompatibility at conception?

The main signs of incompatibility during conception are a long absence of pregnancy, as well as repeated miscarriages. If the couple have lived together for more than a year and can not conceive a child - it is worthwhile to see a doctor for advice.

To diagnose and confirm the incompatibility of partners for conception, conduct a laboratory study of biological fluids such as blood of both spouses, as well as the husband's sperm. In most cases, it is difficult to independently determine the incompatibility of partners at conception, because its signs are few.

Incompatibility at conception - how to be?

When a young couple faces such a diagnosis as incompatibility at conception, as a rule, none of the spouses knows what to do. Never despair. Even if there is incompatibility, there is a high probability that the first pregnancy will occur. Then the main task of doctors will be to preserve it. In this case, a woman must unquestioningly fulfill all medical instructions.

Incompatibility at conception is not a disease requiring treatment. To avoid it, you need to pass a compatibility test before marriage, for which it is enough to donate blood to both future spouses.