Old English Shepherd Dog

This breed of dogs was bred in the UK. It was used to protect children and as a shepherd dog. The Old English Sheepdog is also called the Bobtail because of the length of its tail, in England the shepherds were obliged to pay tax for the dog - the bigger the tail, the larger the amount. Therefore, the tails of the Bobtails stopped , and to this day they are short.

The main breed of Bobtail

  1. This dog is large, stocky, muscular, strong, beautifully built, legs not very long. The average height of a male dog can reach 60 cm, with a weight of 30-45 kg.
  2. The wool is harsh, shaggy, there is a dense undercoat, due to this they perfectly tolerate the cold.
  3. The colors of bobtails are very diverse: from gray, white and bluish-marble to blue with black, with white spots or without them.
  4. They look awkward, but this is an erroneous impression - they are quite agile and dexterous.
  5. The dog has a very loud barking with a specific wheeze.
  6. The average life expectancy is about 10-12 years.

Dog Care

If you regularly comb the Bobtail and swim, there will be no problems in the care. The coat is long, but it almost does not shed, so you will not create any additional work with cleaning. Of course, you need to look after your eyes, periodically cut your bangs, which sometimes leads to poor eyesight and especially carefully behind the ear canal - they often spawn parasites .

What is the nature of a bobtail?

Dogs of this breed are very intelligent, flexible, loyal, good defenders, differ in their love for children. They always obey their masters, they do not enter fights, they perfectly associate with any domestic animals.

Bobtails are universal - they can live in a small apartment, they can tolerate the cold and heat, they are used both for hunting and for fun with children and for guarding the house. Old English Shepherd is a faithful and reliable friend in any family!