What do vegans eat?

People who are used to the generally accepted "human" menu, listing what the vegans do not eat, can not in any way comprehend what they still eat. Today we will try to answer the question, what do vegans eat, and also tell how they "charge" before and after training.


Vegans eat all sorts of cereals, beans , beans, vegetables, greens and fruits, which in fact is the basis of the mass of dishes, and can fully replace the missing with meat and milk vitamins. You are interested in what it is possible to eat vegan - it is much easier to say what is impossible, because the list of allowed is full. Vegans do not eat not only meat, dairy products, eggs, fish, honey, but also food, in the production of which products of animal origin were used. For example: marshmallows, gelatinous sweets, refined sugar (it is bleached with the help of bones), beer (it is filtered through marine animals, fish bubbles and gelatin), sauces with lecithin.


In their life, vegans try to replace meat products with vegetable not only because of their physiological needs, but also make vegan analogues, which not only do not concede, but surpass the taste of "predecessors". Among the recipes for vegans can be found ways of cooking vegan ice cream, cheese, mayonnaise and even hot dogs!


Before training, vegans use "instant fuel", and this is all sorts of fruit no later than an hour before training. In addition, there is a specialized sports nutrition for vegans, for example - Vega Sport Pre Workout Energizer. Energetic consists of green tea, mate, ginseng, ginger, turmeric, coconut oil and other. Also there is a variant of "protein" for vegans: Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer. It consists of purified vegetable protein, and can also act as a full-fledged substitute for food.