Pasting walls with wallpaper

Glue wallpaper simply, if you follow the rules.

Rules for pasting walls with wallpapers: preparatory works

  1. The first step is preparation of the working surface. The more inviting the canvas, the easier it is to mask the errors. The surface should be even: a layer of putty, 1-2 layers of primer.
  2. Prepare the adhesive mixture. Observe the instructions for use on the packaging.
  3. Stir water and slowly inject the powder for 30 seconds, continuing stirring in a circular motion. Leave the mixture to swell for a few minutes, then again stir thoroughly. A good adhesive does not form lumps.

    Materials for wallpapering wallpaper: glue , wallpaper, glue bead, small rubber bead for seams, special spatula for removing bubbles, sponge.

  4. Proceed to the measurements of the wall. Transfer the height data to the canvas, while adding 5-10 cm of clearance. Variants of trimming the product when wallpapering the wallpaper can be different: someone conveniently cut the wallpaper with a spatula, someone with a special knife, Someone fastens the wallpaper to the wall, before cutting off the desired length, someone applies the entire roll and cuts in fact.
  5. With the aid of a plumb, we determine the vertical along which the first strip passes.

Technology of pasting walls with wallpaper

  1. Ways of pasting walls with wallpaper can be slightly different. It all depends on the type of finishing material. Glue can be applied to the wall, wallpaper. Look for the following indexes on the package:
  2. A painted roller indicates that the glue needs to be applied to the wall. Pour a small amount of paste into a special tray. Roller of medium hairiness, apply the mixture on the wall with a layer of 1-2 mm.
  3. The brush icon indicates that the mixture needs to be applied to the reverse side of the canvas. After this, fold the element in a special way: bend the edges to the middle. In this position, leave for 2-5 minutes.
  4. Attach the cut piece to the wall, the clearance from the top is 2 cm. It is best to start the work from the window. With a plastic spatula for wallpaper, smooth out any irregularities and bubbles. Move from the center up, then down.
  5. The gap is cut with a spatula and a paint knife.
  6. Then repeat the procedure on the same principle.
  7. At the seams, you can walk a special rubber roller. Remove excess glue with a damp clean sponge.

  8. Repair of pasting walls with wallpaper often consists of diverging seams. With this problem will help to cope with glue for seams with a special nozzle.
  9. Modern wallpapering of walls with wallpaper is often performed by combining several types of wallpaper .