LH and FSH

LH and FSG - what are these abbreviations? In fact, there is nothing mysterious in these words. LH and FSH are just hormones that ensure the normal functioning of the reproductive system: luteinizing and follicle-stimulating. They are an important link in the birth of a new life.

To determine the level, and no less significant, the ratio of hormones FSH and LH need to donate blood from the vein in a medical facility.

The difference between FSH and LH

At the time of examining the results of the analysis, the doctor can say that the difference in levels between LH and FSH is very small. What does it mean? At different stages of puberty, the ratio of hormones FSH and LH can vary. For example, before puberty, their ideal combination is 1: 1. After - slightly change to 2.

Increase or decrease in FSH and LH

There can be a significant increase, as well as a decrease in these female hormones. Reduced FSH and LH indicate pituitary insufficiency, and can also be associated with various eating disorders. When FSH and LH are increased, this indicates the presence of one of the diseases associated mainly with an increase in LH activity:

  1. Turner syndrome - anomalies of physical development.
  2. Menopause.
  3. The syndrome of premature ovarian malnutrition is hypofunction.

Balancing of FSH and LH

To bring the ratio of FSH and LH during pregnancy or out of it to the norm, you can do the following:

  1. To pass analyzes on other hormones. In particular, prolactin, hCG and TSH (thyroid hormone). When they are examined, it will be easier to identify the cause of the abnormality and undergo the correct course of treatment.
  2. Make an x-ray of the brain on the pathology of the "Turkish saddle".
  3. Take prescribed for obstetrician-gynecologist safe for pregnant drugs.