What are the styles of the interior?

According to some information in the world there are up to 50 different styles in the design of interiors of living quarters. In order to decide what style to choose for the interior design in your home, you need to familiarize yourself with their main areas.

There are three groups in the classification of styles:

Different styles in the interior

Let's consider what are the styles of interior design, within these groups.

It's easiest to recognize the interior styles related to the ethnic group . The most common of them: Japanese , Arabic, African, Egyptian, Chinese, Russian. This is not a complete list, since each people has its own culture, inherent only to them, and traditions that affect the design of the home.

Modern styles include: futurism, high-tech , provence, loft, minimalism, fusion, techno, functionalism. The main characteristic features of the modern style in the interior are the absence of strict frames, complete freedom in creativity, the possibility of mixing styles. In this case, there are certain rules in the choice of colors, decorative elements, materials for decoration, inherent in the modern style.

The historical group includes the following styles: Classicism, Baroque, Romance, Gothic, Empire, Rococo. Distinctive features are luxury, a large number of decor and, at the same time, refinement.

Interior style for a small room

We examined what styles exist in the interior. Now let's try to understand which interior style is best for small rooms. For small rooms, a style is selected that visually enlarges, it is rather a style that belongs to the group of modern ones.

Considering the question: what are the styles of the interior of the kitchen, you can safely say that this room is suitable for any style chosen by you, if only the kitchen was cozy and functional.