Paul Wesley - the personal life of the actor in 2016

Paul Wesley is a talented artist and a handsome guy with an athletic build and an open, courageous face. It is quite natural for fans to be interested in the events that are happening to him. And the priority is given to the last time of 2016 and the personal life of Paul Wesley.

Romantic relations are related to the field of emotions that occur here and now. But it is also undeniable that they are basically based on Paul Wesley's entire previous life until 2016.

Therefore, it's worth recalling that his first kiss happened when he was nine years old. Paul remembers that he kissed the girl in the pool for a dispute. It was the first and last kiss, when he did not know the girl and did not feel for her feelings.

But since adolescence, Paul has sought to maintain a long-term romantic relationship. All the school years he loved only one girl.

In the following time, his life was full of bright and lasting relationships. For four years, he had an affair with Marne Patterson. In 2008, there was a meeting with the lovely Torri DeVito. The heart of Paul was conquered and in 2011 a secret wedding took place. After two years of marriage, the couple filed for divorce.

Who does Paul Wesley meet in 2016?

The novel by Paul Wesley and Phoebe Tonkin began in September 2013 and continues through 2016. The romantic connection of young people is quite obvious. Efforts to protect privacy from outside interference were noticeable at the beginning of the relationship.

But in 2016 Paul Wesley and his girlfriend became more accessible to curious views, seeking to infiltrate privacy. Perhaps Phoebe, with her more open character, influenced Paul. Mutual divided love gives a different order of perception. And the desire of the fans, to know everything about you, can seem quite legitimate.

Young people appear at pompous events, trying not to depart one another from one another. Attract lovers and walks around the city. Enjoying every minute spent together, can not spoil the haunting paparazzi. Began to appear pictures of summer vacations, held by a couple on the sea, autographically laid out in the Instagram.

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Paul bought a new house, costing a tidy sum - $ 2 million, which was chosen along with Phoebe. Surfaced photos, where the girl demonstrates the ring , donated by Paul. This provoked rumors of a change in her marital status. But the couple refuses comments on the events.