How does the spell work?

Love spells - these are not aphrodisiacal products for you, which can enhance your love affair and inflame your extinguished love. Privorot deprives the victim of the spell of the right to choose, which, in principle, has nothing to do with love. And the spell itself is nothing more than slavery. But in order to substantiate such big words, it is necessary to explain how the spell works.

How it works?

The essence of the spell is to disable one chakra (human energy centers) and include others. As a result, the spell can act on one of the following spheres of life:

That is, how the spell acts on a person depends on the "order" itself.


How much the spell works will depend on the strength of the magician who performed the ritual, on the strength or weakness of the bewitched will, and also on the kind of spellbound. Privorot can act from several days, months (as intimate spells act) until the end of life.

When the spell starts to work, it also depends on the situation. More often, the spells are activated immediately, as soon as the "necessary" chakras are turned on. It is also important and what kind of magic was used - black or white. Black magic gives more lasting results.

Some privoroty can end unexpectedly, before the expiration date. For example, if you fascinate menstrual blood, the action will disappear during pregnancy and as a result of age-related changes, when a woman simply stops menstruating.