Pentagram - value

The pentagram is the most common and popular symbol of magic in the culture of Europe. The pentagram looks like a five-pointed star with equal angles, often enclosed in a pentagon. In this article we will consider what pentagrams are, and what kinds of pentagrams exist.

What does the pentagram mean?

Initially, the pentagram meant a sacred geometric sign associated with the worship of nature. Symbolized health, human nature, was a guard against evil forces. Subsequently, it also began to mean power over the world, strength and courage, was the source of wisdom and soul.

The pentagram in the circle is often used in magical practice , it is used as a defense, it allows magicians not to exceed the allowed security gap in this work.

Inverted pentagram - value

The inverted pentagram has long been considered an occult image and is the main symbol of Satanism, it is a symbol of evil. In an inverted pentagram two ends are turned up and one down, this sign symbolizes the rejection of spirituality, from belief in the light and is a symbol of destruction.

There is an opinion that the inverted pentagram is a certain image of a goat, and schematically depicts his beard, horns and hairy cheeks. It is the symbol of the underworld, the place where the fallen angels live. It also represents the power of the human body, which reacts to carnal pleasures. The elements of the pentagram do not contain spiritual strength, they characterize chaos.

Pentagram of Agrippa

This symbol is the main amulet in the ceremonial magic. The Pentagram of Agrippa protects man from impure forces, evil thoughts and from otherworldly sources of evil. This pentagram gives its owner protection and provides a return to the "living world". If you decide to wear such a sign as your talisman, then it will protect you from bad predictions, as well as from spoiling, curses and evil eye.

Pentagram of Solomon: meaning

The image of this sign is recommended to be made of silver or gold, and worn as a mascot on the chest. This will save the owner from danger and from the influence of impure forces. The Pentagram is called without forger a seal of Solomon. It is often used in divination and divination, it symbolizes the figure of five. The designation of the pentagram is as follows: it is the figure of the person with arms and legs extended, the head dominates, in this case implying the power controlling the four elements. A five-pointed star is also a sign of infinity, which means luck, strength and perfection of the circle. The pentagram in the circle means the silence of that person who knows the mysteries of magic. In addition, in Christianity this symbol denotes the five wounds of Jesus Christ. The Celtic pentagram meant a symbol of protection, the Celts used it as an amulet from various diseases for collective and individual defense, calling it "the Druid's Trail".

Amulet - Pentagram value

In the world, every thing has positive and negative sides, therefore absolutely any symbol can be used both with benefit, and at the expense - it all depends on the person himself. There is an opinion that a person who wears an amulet in the form of a pentagram will always be accompanied by luck, happiness in the family and excellent health.

In order for your amulet-pentagram to be active, it is recommended to make it out of silver and gold, but your most important factor for the work of your amulet will be your mood and your energy that will accumulate in it, so be careful when choosing the pentagram as your amulet .