Why does every night have a dream?

If you conduct a survey on the topic, how often a person sees dreams , then the answers will be completely different. Someone claims to see colorful dreams every day, others complain of nightmares, and some do not see anything at all. It is worth to find out why dreams are every night and why others do not see them at all? To this question, scientists have been looking for an answer for a long time and, in the end, could find an intelligible explanation for this phenomenon.

What does it mean if you dream every night?

Scientists managed to find out that every person sees dreams every day, but many of them simply do not remember. In general, we managed to find out that sleep lasts about 8 hours, but a person does not see it completely. In fact, the human brain is designed in such a way that it can see all the flashes, that is, an impulse arrives - a picture appears, the next impulse is another picture. As a result, images form in a certain plot, which is called sleep. Most often, night vision appears as a result of brain activity that processes information received during the day and emotions .

It is also worthwhile to understand why nightmares are nightmares, and whether there is any danger in this. Scientists again assure us that it is not necessary to bind such a state with some mysticism. Nightmares can mainly be caused by some emotional trauma, even experienced in childhood. The reason may be overwork, stress or depression. Bad dreams can be a signal that a disease develops in the body. Scientists believe that if every night dreams are bad dreams, then the body is trying to get rid of the accumulated negative and return to normal. In this case it is recommended to go to bed every day and wake up at the same time. Do not eat at night and watch some scary movies or read similar books.