How to grow a good crop of garlic?

Garlic on our beds is a permanent guest. It is actively used for cooking second courses and sauces, and in the demi-season and winter consumption of garlic increases many times. If you plan to procure for your family a natural remedy for cold, you will be interested in the information below.

How to get a good harvest of garlic?

  1. The planting material should be planted on a fertile soil. Avoid too low spots on the site where water will accumulate in the spring. If the site is opposite on the hill, in the winter the wind will inflate the snow and thereby promote the freezing of garlic.
  2. Cultivation of garlic will be possible only from quality planting material. We carefully scan all the denticles and discard the damaged ones. Before planting, seeds should be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate. All upper dry scales are removed to prevent damage to the teeth.
  3. One of the secrets, how to grow a good harvest of garlic, is the correct and timely application of fertilizers. This culture is especially good for mineral and organic additives. In the autumn period, we make humus or compost, but nitrogen additives should be avoided so that the yield of bulbs does not fall. If it is a question of winter garlic, then it is necessary to feed the plantings with phosphorus and potash additives.
  4. Another important advice, how to grow a good crop of garlic, is the correct watering. This culture does not like waterlogging, but the entire first period of vegetation depends entirely on timely watering. The soil should soak up to 30 cm. About a month before harvesting, the watering is stopped completely.

When to harvest garlic?

It is equally important to choose the right time to harvest garlic. If you miss the time, the bulbs begin to crack gradually and the teeth break up. Then they just start sprouting. The time when the harvest of garlic should be collected is determined by several features. A dense shell formed around the heads and the contours of the teeth are quite distinct. As for the above-ground part, you should find the yellowing of the two lower leaves.

Immediately after harvesting garlic, you can not store it for storage. You should first dry it for a couple of weeks, then make a bookmark for storage. As a rule, plaits are braided or simply put the bulbs in boxes.