What is the name of Svetlana

Advantages of Svetlana - accuracy and sociability. She has a deep, inclined nature, she likes to command.

Svetlana, she says about her meaning, is "bright".

Origin of the name Svetlana:

In the name of Svetlana Slavic roots. It comes from the words "light", "light".

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Svetlana:

Since childhood, Svetlana is ambitious and highly appreciated. Strive for leadership among peers. Parents often support these aspirations in them, Svetlana's homes are often "little princesses", they are praised and pampered. But Svetlana has no special talents, they are difficult to call very gifted. To succeed in their studies, they need considerable perseverance, without which their more talented peers can do. However, Svetlana is able to put herself and often gets high marks due to her liveliness and self-confidence. Among friends stands out strong character, quickly achieves that with her opinion were considered. In his youth, he wants to look impressive, but he often overstrains the stick.

Svetlana finds herself in public activities and connections with people. She is a good organizer, she knows how to command, she is capable of disposing of soft people, and irritating strong and independent personalities. Sincere extrovert, experiencing problems with understanding someone else's personal space, the intimate life of outsiders can make the subject of general discussion. Discussions of her personality are mocking, her arguments do not frighten her.

If Svetlana gets tired at work, she becomes uncompromising, overly demanding and despotic, sometimes violates official powers. It is logical and capable of perceiving reasoned arguments, recognizing its mistakes, but does not like to formally apologize. Busy with her favorite business Svetlana is sensitive and diplomatic, plans her time well, knows how and likes to earn a lot. The unloved work is trying to shift to someone else. Appreciates the spiritual kinship, transforms with close people - becomes soft and tender.

Personal life with Svetlana always develops well. They know how to attract attention and do not lack fans. Clothes are sometimes chosen to be loud, but they rarely roll down to frank tastelessness. Movable and plastic, the secret of their beauty - in the harmony and attractiveness of the body. In men, Svetlana does not value appearance, but character, sexual experience and resemblance to herself. Not subject to the influence of public opinion, not afraid of bold relationships and sexual experiments. She is incredulous, does not like to obey, but an intelligent and tactful man can always melt her coldness with embraces and affectionate words.

Svetlana will never create a family unless she is absolutely sure that it is necessary. She builds her own happiness. If juvenile maximalism has already been replaced in her with mature diplomacy, she will be able to avoid disputes with her husband and conflicts with her mother-in-law. In the house, she likes to control everything from cooking and repair to raising children. It is inconceivable that an important family discussion took place without Svetlana. She rationally plans the budget, not missing the opportunity to once again pamper yourself and loved ones with unexpected pleasant trifles.

Interesting facts about the name Svetlana:

Igor, Oleg, Eugene, Vladimir, Eduard and Bogdan, partners with Gleb, Alexander and Stanislav are rarely successful partners.

Equilibrated and calm "winter" and "autumn" Svetlana. "Spring" are frivolous, do not have taste and sense of proportion, are always a little "excessive". In summer born in the summer, a stormy and complex personal life.

Svetlana in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Svetlana : Svetlanka, Sveta, Svetukha, Svetusha, Veta, Lana, Svetulja, Svetunya, Svetusya

Svetlana - color name : blue

Flower of Svetlana : lily

Stone of Svetlana : rock crystal

Nicky for Svetlana : Lana, Veta, Light, Bright, Sun, Hare, Water, Chistyulya, Vrednyuga