Ozone Drippers

Intravenous ozone therapy is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Undoubtedly, many women will be interested to know what ozone droppers are useful for, and in what cases ozone therapy is indicated.

Indications and contraindications for the use of ozone droppers

Ozone is an active form of oxygen, which has a healing effect on the body. Thus, ozone-containing compounds have the following properties:

In addition, due to the action of gas, the metabolism of the body is enhanced, blood microcirculation improves, which in turn helps restore hepatocytes and prevents their transformation into fatty deposits. Thanks to such an effect on the body, metabolic processes are normalized and weight parameters are reduced.

Medical indications for prescribing ozone drops are:

Ozone infusions can be performed to improve the condition of the skin, which is why they are recommended for chronic inflammatory processes in the epidermis, acne, etc. In addition, ozone droppers are prescribed with a tendency to catarrhal diseases. Ozone destroys viruses that are in the cells of the body.

Despite the beneficial effects of ozone on health, there are contraindications to its intravenous administration. Ozone therapy is not performed in the following cases:

Important details

It should be borne in mind that the effect of ozone on the body has not been sufficiently studied. There is evidence that ozone molecules affect not only the damaged, but also the healthy cells. In this case, patients experience dizziness, fever, nausea. In this connection, if there are unpleasant sensations after the procedure, it is necessary to inform the specialist who prescribed ozone treatment for revision of the therapy methods.