Physiognomy of the eye

Everyone knows that the winged expression: "The eyes - the mirror of the soul" is the right definition. After looking directly into the eyes of a person, one can in fact learn a great deal about his character .

There is a whole science of physiognomy, which helps us to study a person by the structure of his body. Physiognomy of the eye is capable of describing the nature of a person, his attitude to life and those around him in form, size, planting, the color of the irises and the whites of the eyes.

Almost every person, even without the help of the physiognomy of the eye at the subconscious level, can understand for himself what kind of person is before us, what energy he has, how he treats him and what his mood is. In this article we will tell you in more detail how to correctly "read" a person according to his view.

Eye arrangement in physiognomy

An important role in the harmonious combination of facial features is the placement of the eyes and the distance between them. From the point of view of physiognomy of the face and eye, ideally the distance between the eyes should be equal to the length of one of them. Such a landing indicates that the person maintains good relations with his family and society.

Close-set eyes in physiognomy give a man with a weak will, defeated by the great influence of the parents. His opposite is the lucky owner of disproportionately distant from each other's eyes. Such people are a strong personality, do not give in to someone else's or parental influence, because of that they often maintain cool relations with their relatives, and do not need constant care and support of others.

Deep-set eyes in physiognomy are considered the eyes of dreamers and conservatives. These people are often vulnerable and calm, can trust others, avoid risk, are usually closed, and try to hide from the outside world in order not to betray their feelings. Deeply planted eyes in physiognomy is a "window of the soul" for people who know how to handle finances, and therefore never have problems with money. But the protruding eyes betray a gambler, an inquisitive, energetic, risky, decisive person with a good intuition.

Eye color in physiognomy

Undoubtedly, the color of the iris of the eyes gives a special charm to both a man and a woman. People with brown eyes are hot-tempered, emotional, have a strong character, like to amuse themselves, but at the same time a little lazy. Green eye color physiognomy regards as a sign of nature sexual, willing to love being loved. Blue-eyed people in the soul of romance, pragmatics and a bit even pedantic. Sometimes they are windy, capable of madness, but if necessary become serious. Gray eyes in physiognomy are characterized by industrious and purposeful, judicious people, distinguished by calmness and desire for career growth.

How to recognize a person by the shape of the eye?

Big eyes according to physiognomy belong to sincere, artistic, honest, sociable, open, intelligent at the same time impulsive and emotional personalities, capable of occupying leading positions in the society. Small eyes give out smart, enterprising, insightful people capable of trickery, possessing business acumen. People with a "cat's eye" (when the corners of the eyes are raised) are temperamental and seek to achieve popularity with the opposite sex. If a person looks sad, (the corners of the eyes are lowered down), this indicates his melancholy nature. Such people are depressed and always try to think ahead.