How can a woman stop drinking alcohol?

The problem of alcoholism among women is not so topical as among men. Still, in the quantitative ratio of female alcoholics is less. But there is another problem, no less insidious - how to stop drinking alcohol on your own to a woman, because female alcoholism is very hard to cure because of the strong dependence , which is more pronounced in women. And while a woman, suffering from eternal drunkenness herself will not dare to change in life, no one will help her.

Whatever the circumstances and causes of addiction to alcohol, a woman has no right to forget that she is a daughter, wife, mother. Even if everything is bad in the family, a person should never lose his human dignity. We must always try to take the situation under control.

Possible causes of alcoholism in women

Narcologists say that it is more difficult for a woman to control the amount drunk, she loses the ability to perceive reality, set limits. In principle, these qualities are characteristic of all alcoholics, regardless of gender. But the woman, again, expresses an emotional component that does not allow her to think more rationally.

In addition, the rate of alcohol tolerance in women is lower. Hence all the troubles. And the households suffer more, as there is nothing more terrible than the alcoholic mother. Many women also understand that they are in a vicious circle. The question is how to get out of it, and whether it is possible. Of course, everything is possible. But it will be very difficult, there will be failures, depression , hangover syndrome. This is quite a natural development of events. The main thing is not to break and not to give up on yourself.

One of the most common causes of dependence is also discomfort, dissatisfaction in life, even if the woman is married, has children. There is a utopian attempt to escape from problems, from oneself with the help of alcohol. But this is only an illusion. To sink sadness and despair in a bottle is the worst option. And in order to get out of this alcoholic hell, it will take incredible will, effort, technique, methods, techniques. The last factor says that you can still get out.

Doctors-narcologists often face the problem of alcoholism in women after 35 to 40 years. Perhaps this is due to the crisis of middle age, when a woman realizes that time is inexorable, that youth is leaving, and with it beauty, success with the opposite sex. Although, having started drinking, a woman can not help but notice how she turns into a sick old woman now. At this point, one way or another, a woman will have a question - how to quit drinking alone.

How to stop drinking women?

1. A woman who abuses alcohol can gradually get used to reducing the dose of vodka, just as a woman can quit drinking beer herself. Precisely - gradually!

2. In the period of recovery from the crisis associated with alcohol dependence, it is important that a close person finds himself close, as support.

3. A doctor's help is no less important for overcoming addiction. True, here the objections begin. Persuading a woman to begin treatment is not so easy. She has her own reasons for this:

4. For a full-fledged treatment without a survey is indispensable.

5. People's ways of fighting like going to motherwort with chamomile help, but are not effective in fighting the real ailment of drunkenness.

How to stop drinking alcohol for a woman?

Probable exit from a difficult situation - only with the help of drug treatment. There are special boarding houses dealing with this problem. In reliable clinics do not advertise the diagnoses of their patients. There are psychological discussions with specialists. All the same, the root of all problems lies in the human psyche.

Psychologists advise in the process of treatment from alcoholism to revise the circle of their friends, mercilessly to break all vicious connections, to find new acquaintances, possibly with the same "brothers and sisters in misfortune". There are cases when an unexpected love helped to get a man out of a drinking-bout. In general, strong emotional experiences (of course, positive) can block the addiction to alcohol in women.