Planting a tomato is a rule that can not be broken if you want to harvest a good harvest

Quality planting of tomatoes is the key to a good harvest. Preparing for this operation, you need to take into account that the technology of work in the open field and the greenhouse is somewhat different. The prudent gardener must, before the beginning of the spring season, draw up an action plan, purchase seeds, fertilizers and equipment.

Planting tomato seeds on seedlings

If you want to get a good harvest of tomatoes, you should strictly follow the generally accepted rules for planting tomatoes on seedlings. This process begins with soil preparation and seed disinfection. A good soil is obtained by mixing peat (2 parts), land from the garden (1 part), peregrivshego humus (1 part) and sand (0.5 part). It is desirable to decontaminate seeds in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes or in a solution of Fitosporin.

The basic conditions for obtaining good seedlings of tomatoes:

  1. Installation of boxes on the southern windows.
  2. With lack of light, obligatory illumination of seedlings.
  3. The daily temperature ranges from 18 ° C to 25 ° C.
  4. Night temperature is from 12 ° C to 18 ° C.
  5. Watering with warm stagnant or thawed water.
  6. Until the shoots appear, the boxes are covered with polyethylene and spray the soil from the spray gun.
  7. We remove the shelter after pitting the first seedlings.
  8. The first watering is carried out a couple of days after the mass shoots, the next regular watering of the seedlings is done as the land dries out.

Planting time for tomato on sprouts

On the packaging for seeds indicate the approximate dates of sowing, but in reality you need to orientate based on the conditions in your region. We take into account that the optimal age of planted plants is 60 days. The timing of seeding tomato on seedlings depends on the varietal characteristics of a particular tomato. You can follow the following approximate dates for Ukraine and the Middle Russia:

  1. For tall and late tomatoes - from the third decade of February to March 10.
  2. The planting dates for early and medium tomato varieties are from 10 to 20 March.
  3. Landing of early-summer tomatoes - these varieties have time to ripen well even during sowing in the first days of April, which allows growing seedlings on the southern window sills without artificial lighting.

Planting a tomato on a seedling in a cochlea

In amateur truck farming, you can consider the most exotic ways of planting tomato seeds on seedlings, which can make it easier to get strong plants of your favorite culture. The snail is a compact self-made device. It can fully replace the overall box, and is extremely beneficial when sowing a limited number of seeds. Make it in the form of a roll of a narrow piece of the lining under the laminate and a nutrient substrate. We install the snail on the butt, we plant the tomato, then sprinkle the seeds with soil and place our container in a warm place.

Planting tomato on seedlings in peat pills

If you have a small number of seeds and there is a desire to grow seedlings without the subsequent picking , then it is best for you to plant tomato seeds in peat pills . Tomatoes in the next stage can easily be transferred to a container of up to 0.5 liters along with the nutrient substrate, without damaging the tender roots. It is advisable to buy tablets from 33 mm to 36 mm in diameter, planting 2 seeds in each groove. In the future, the weakest sprout pinch. Temperature and lighting are maintained for this seedling in the standard mode.

Planting a tomato in a greenhouse

Beginner farmers should strictly observe the rules of planting tomatoes in the greenhouse, the mistakes made may result in loss of crops or even complete or partial loss of seedlings. In a closed room, you should take care of ventilation, making windows under the ceiling and from the ends of the building. It is necessary to try to illuminate as much as possible planting with sun rays and lamps, so that plants receive a normal amount of light and do not shade each other.

The main stages of planting tomatoes in the greenhouse:

  1. Layout of the soil - we divide the beds, taking into account the size of the room. The approximate height of the ridge is 40 cm, with a width of 60-90 cm. The optimum width of the passage is up to 60 cm.
  2. Substrate preparation - if you have clay soil, it is desirable to dilute it with peat, humus and wood sawdust (10 l / m 2 ).
  3. Fertilizer - you can sprinkle evenly on top of 1 m 2 of ground 2 spoons of superphosphate and a spoonful of potassium salt, then the soil should be well digged.
  4. Decontamination of soil - a hot solution of potassium permanganate in a concentration of 1 g / 10 l, which should be poured into 1 liter per well.
  5. Planting a tomato - a normal seedling is planted vertically to the depth of the earth coma with roots, and overgrown seedlings - to the depth of 2 normal holes. First, cover the ground with a lump of roots, and after 10-12 days - completely pour the seedling to the soil level.

Planting time for seedlings tomato for a greenhouse

Planting and growing tomatoes in the greenhouse are complex processes, much depends on the climate, the presence of artificial heating and the material from which the roof and walls of this structure are made. The timing of the work should be shifted depending on the specific weather conditions. For example, in the Middle Russia, you can focus on the following dates:

  1. Stationary solid greenhouses with the presence of artificial heating - the last decade of April.
  2. The calf without internal heating - the first decade of May.
  3. Greenhouses from the film without additional shelter - the beginning of the third decade of May.

Ways of planting tomatoes in a greenhouse

Picking the best distance when planting a tomato in a greenhouse, you should not make holes too thick to save space. This practice results in a lack of solar energy for growth and increases the risk of contamination of tomato bushes with fungi or bacteria. There are several variants of schemes for planting tomatoes, but the most popular is the parallel and chess method of positioning the holes, the width of the passage in the greenhouse is at least 60 cm.

Planting patterns for a tomato depending on the variety:

  1. Planting tomatoes of low-growing varieties - it is recommended to carry out in 2 rows, the distance between rows - 60 cm, the gap between the bows - 40 cm.
  2. For single-stem tomato tomatoes, dense plantings can be used, leaving a distance between the wells of about 30 cm and a space between rows of 50 cm.
  3. Tall plants require more space, leaving a distance between them from 60 cm, and between rows - from 75 cm.

Planting tomatoes in the open ground

Vegetable lovers use various practical ways of planting tomatoes in the open ground, but in any case, you should adhere to the optimal timing and use strong and normally formed seedlings for work. Good seedlings at the time of disembarkation have a height of 20 cm and have 7-9 healthy leaves. Much decides the choice of the place where it is planned to plant a tomato. Try not to use the territory in the lowlands, where the groundwater is close to avoid contamination with dangerous root rot. Suitable soil with a reaction of 6-6,7 pH.

Preparing the soil for planting tomato seedlings

Soil composition seriously affects the yield of this garden crop. Try to avoid planting tomatoes after potatoes and other nightshade cultures. It is recommended to apply on 1m 2 beds to 10 liters of humus and 10 liters of peat. As a fertilizer, 2 spoons of superphosphate and ground wood ash are added to this area. In the question of how to treat the soil before planting a tomato, a hot solution of potassium permanganate is used, which is watered on the garden for about five days before the planned start of transplanting.

Planting a seedling tomato in the open ground

The timing of the planting of tomato seedlings in the open ground directly depends on the climatic features in your region. It is advisable to start working at an average stable air temperature of 15 ° C, in cold weather, tomatoes are extremely poorly adapted and get sick. It is better to plant tomatoes on cloudy days and evening hours.

Rules for planting a tomato in the soil:

  1. The optimum feeding area for a tomato shrub is from 0.3 m 2 .
  2. Between the holes leave a distance of 40 cm, the gap between the rows - half a meter.
  3. The width of a standard two-row bed is 1 m.
  4. Lunks do the size of a little more than a pot for seedlings. Exception - overgrown seedlings and tall varieties, which are placed in the soil lying under a slight slope, sprinkling part of the trunk with earth.
  5. At the end of the planting, water our bushes, for protection from the wind, always use a garter to pegs.

Planting tomato seeds into the open ground

For residents of southern regions there is an alternative way to grow this crop - planting a tomato directly into the soil with seeds. In this way, the owner of the garden receives a crop a couple of weeks later, but receives certain benefits: the problem with picking, replanting and quenching is removed. In warm years, seedlings catch up in growth of seedlings, which takes time to adapt, and give full yields.

How to plant tomatoes seeds in the soil:

  1. We accelerate the process of pecking seeds by soaking for 12 hours in a growth stimulator and germination.
  2. In the wells, which are arranged according to the standard scheme for open ground, 3-4 seeds are planted.
  3. Depth of sowing - up to 4 cm.
  4. Earth needs to be slightly compressed by hand.
  5. Water before the appearance of sprouts is not required.
  6. In the stage of 2 sheets we make thinning, it is necessary not to pull out an extra sprout, but to pinch it with a fingernail.