Treatment of whooping cough in children

If the crumb is diagnosed with whooping cough, which is an acute infectious disease, then treatment is required urgently. Because of severe attacks of cough, which is spasmodic, the health and life of the baby is endangered. Pertussis is extremely dangerous for children less than one year old.

Traditional medicine

Babies and toddlers with pertussis who have complications should undergo treatment only in a hospital setting. In other circumstances, treatment of whooping cough is possible in children and at home. One of the main conditions is to provide the baby with such an environment that all stimuli capable of provoking a spasmodic cough are absent. These include not only dust particles, wool and pollen, but also loud sounds, sudden movements that can cause fright in the child. Airing the room is also necessary for recovery condition.

The early stage of whooping cough is the reason for taking antibiotics. Antibiotics in whooping cough in children can stop the development of agent-pathogens. However, they are effective in the event that the phase of spasmodic cough has not yet come, that is, the treatment of pertussis in children with antibiotics in the second phase of the disease is unreasonable.

Pertussis stick is characterized by sensitivity to azithromycin and erythromycin, so these drugs for whooping cough in children are most often. In addition, the treatment regimen may include antiallergic drugs ( Tavegil , zodak , dimedrol, calcium, etc.). If the child's phlegm is too thick, it is diluted with proteolytic enzymes used for inhalation. But this method is acceptable only for small patients over three years old. Whatever it was, treat pertussis in children better by the doctor's supervision!

Folk methods

Traditional medicine can also offer several methods how to cure pertussis in a child, but they should be treated with tripled caution. The use of this kind of treatment for preschool children is unacceptable.

So, the prescriptions of the popular treatment of whooping cough in children:

  1. Half a half-liter jar of finely chopped onion is covered with 4 tablespoons of sugar. Formed syrup for one teaspoon of drink three times a day.
  2. Boil five cups of garlic cloves in a glass of fresh milk. Take the broth twice a day.
  3. Hanging on the neck of the child a lace with a tied gauze pouch filled with mothballs.