Malva - growing out of seeds

Colorful flowers of mallow can be seen in many flower gardens and front gardens. They are very decorative and look beautiful thanks to their large flowers bright colors. Cut off the branches of mallow (which is often called a rod-rose ) look great in vases, decorating any room.

Among the varieties of mallow isolated one and perennials, but the most common, perhaps, is the two-year-old species of this plant. Meanwhile, to grow mallow from seeds, as a rule, is not at all difficult. Let's find out how.

Planting mallow seeds

Planting mallow in open ground is better at once to a permanent place, since this plant has very long roots, and it is difficult to perform a transplant without damaging it. The distance between the seeds (which, by the way, are large enough) should be at least 60 cm. For each well, roll 2 or 3 seeds, but after emergence, they must be weeded out, leaving only the strongest and strongest plants. If you want to keep all the sprouts, and you should carefully dig them and transplant them into the prepared bed.

It should be noted that when growing mallow from seeds, they retain their germination for about 3 years, but they should not be used for planting immediately, but after 1.5-2 years. This will help ensure that your plant blossoms already this year.

A permanent place for growing mallow should be selected carefully. Since the stems of this flower are very long, be careful: they can be broken by a strong wind. That is why the mallow is usually placed near the support - fences and hedges, or planted near the pergola. Soil for malva is chosen nutritious and moist. The flower is also demanding to the sunlight - it should be enough for good growth and subsequent flowering.

So, after planting seeds in the ground, they should pay special attention. After 10-12 days (it depends on the air temperature and weather) you will have the first shoots. At this time it will be necessary to weed the weeds so that the plant can develop rapidly, moisturize and loosen the soil.

It is also possible to sow the seeds of mallow and to seedlings. This is best done using peat tablets or pots, so as not to damage the roots during the subsequent transplant. The temperature in the greenhouse should be 18-20 ° C, then the seeds will germinate in the required time, and they can be transplanted to a permanent place. With the seedling method, this is usually done in mid-May, when the frosts are already behind. But first you should season your seedlings with regular airing. Also, do not forget to shoot the mallow sprouts when they have three real leaves, and leave the seedlings for ripening.

It is interesting that the reproduction of the mallow is possible and self-sowing, when its seeds fall and scatter in the neighborhood. But this happens mainly with simple varieties, but decorative terry and other species of mallow are usually propagated by cuttings or seeds.

Malva - a plant unpretentious, so further care for an adult plant is simple. It should be watered abundantly, weeded and loosened once a month. It is also recommended to regularly apply fertilizer to the soil. In the first year, if there are enough nutrients in the soil under the flower, it can not be fertilized, but if you want your malla to acquire luxurious and large flowers next season, it is advisable to treat it with complex mineral fertilizers or humus and compost.

Also take note of the fact that a two-year-old mallow in winter can freeze. To prevent this, it is better to cover the plant with autumn dry foliage or lapnika.