Lianas - indoor plants

Each florist has its own favorites, but evergreen weaving plants are rarely left indifferent. Therefore, despite the fact that these are flowers brought, they can be found in every house. In this article you will learn about the vines that came to us from tropical countries and get acquainted with the names of plants that are grown as indoor.

Indoor lianas

Many people confuse lianas with ample types of indoor flowers. A distinctive feature of the inhabitants of the rainforest is their ability to climb up, clinging to the support. It is by the method of attaching the stem and distinguish the main groups:

  1. The axial ones. They are fastened with antennae located on young shoots (leaves or trunk). These include passionflower , some kinds of begonias and monsters.
  2. Root-bearers. Crawl upwards with the help of accessory roots and specifically sticky precipitates. This is ficus , hydrangea, cactus selenicereus, ivy, hoya.
  3. Curly. Shoots rise in height due to the entrainment of the support or the self. This group includes stephanotis , clerodendron, and tunbergia.
  4. Supporting. Attached to everything that is located next to using hooks, thorns, suckers or villi. Thanks to this, the stems do not fall down. Such a plant is bougainvilla.

Growing indoor lianas

Since most often the weaving plants are perennial and evergreen, they are great for decorating offices and for placement in winter gardens and greenhouses. Especially flowering indoor lianas, such as chlorine or tungsten.

Like all home colors, lianas require special care, but for each species it has its own. Therefore, before you have such a plant at home, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for its placement (lighting and temperature regime), watering and feeding. And also it is necessary to find out exactly which support it needs: an even coconut stick, lattice or arcuate.