How to plant cabbage in open ground - the secrets of nursing and growing

Beginning to study the question of how to plant cabbage in the open ground, one must understand that there are many features that radically affect the yield of this crop. Without irrigation, fertilizing, timely control of weeds and pests, a good number of commodity heads can not be obtained on the site.

How correctly to plant cabbage in the open ground?

Before you become acquainted with the ways to solve the problem, how to plant cabbage, you need to buy, or yourself grow a good seedling for open ground. Varieties and hybrids are divided by maturity and the purpose of the fruit. Early heads are of low density, eat them in salads and other dishes only in the summer. Medium varieties are more versatile, they can be kept for a short time in the autumn, and winter cabbage with dense heads is the most valuable, it is able to lie until the spring.

The main varieties of cabbage:

  1. White cabbage is an old and popular vegetable crop for open ground, suitable for preparing masses of dishes, has enormous nutritional and dietary value.
  2. Red cabbage - in the form of a head of cabbage it looks like a white-looking species, but has a violet-bluish color. The main purpose - salads, side dishes, pickling.
  3. Savoy cabbage - forms loose heads with delicate corrugated leaves, perfect for salads. It is famous for its high content of vitamin D, iron and calcium, but it is poorly stored in fresh form.
  4. Cauliflower - it forms interesting inflorescences of cream color, having high nutritional value. Suitable for soups, fried foods, casseroles.
  5. Broccoli - has much in common with cauliflower, but its inflorescence is of green color, to taste similar to asparagus.
  6. Kohlrabi - strongly differs externally from its predecessors, forms a dense stalk, taste like a stalk of white-rooted varieties. Famous for kohlrabi many dietary qualities, it is useful at increased pressure, atherosclerosis, diseases of internal organs, is used in the preparation of salads and garnishes.

How to plant cabbage in the open ground seedlings?

In solving the problem of how to plant cabbage seedlings, it is very important to grow full-fledged seedlings of this culture. It is necessary to calculate that at the time of transfer of seedlings to a permanent place in the open ground they had an approximate age of 50 days. Please note that on average, the germination of germination from seeds takes place in about 10-12 days. For broccoli, savoy and Brussels sprouts, the age of the seedling is allowed to be less - 35-45 days.

Choosing ways how to plant cabbage in the open ground, you can use the method with a pick , which is produced two weeks after the appearance of seedlings. Seedlings in individual containers produce a powerful, with a better root system, a squat appearance. The size of the pot depends on the variety, it is necessary to work with a capacity of 6x6 cm to 8x8 cm. Without picking, cabbage is grown in nutritious tablets made of peat, cassettes or crates 7-10 cm high. A couple of seeds are sown in the compartment, removing a weak sprout.

While engaged in the task of planting cabbage directly in the open ground, observe a crop rotation, avoid predecessors in the form of cruciferous plants. The seedlings are buried in the soil until the first pair of these leaves, the soil is carefully leveled, compacted, and watered. In the initial period, to protect from cold weather, they apply film and agglomerate to the beds.

How to plant cabbage in the open ground with seeds?

Not all gardeners can grow seedlings of garden crops. A cheap, though not always reliable way is to sow seeds directly into the soil. The purchased material is disinfected for half an hour in manganese, preparing a dark red solution. Further in solving the problem, how to plant cabbage in the soil with seeds, prepare the beds, dig shallow nests, moisten the soil. Seeds are embedded in the soil for 2 cm, the first rejection of bad seedlings produce in the phase of 3 leaves, the final - 6 leaves. Between adult plants leave space up to 70 cm.

At what distance should cabbage be planted?

The chosen scheme of planting cabbage in the open ground should correspond to the growth force of plants. On a thickened section, they will not get the right amount of solar heat and light. Late varieties require more space, like taller Brussels sprouts. The least space for life you need broccoli and cauliflower. Lunks do the size of a little wider and deeper than the diameter of the root system of the seedling.

Approximate schemes of planting different types of cabbage:

Cabbage - the time of planting in the ground

At the time of planting in the soil, properly grown seedlings have up to 7 leaves, reaching a height of 20 cm. In business, how to plant cabbage in the open ground, an important role is played by tempering the plants, which is produced with an increase in the temperature of the medium to 8 ° C. With the advent of sustainable heat, the seedlings are not covered at night. Planting cabbage seedlings in different climatic zones is performed at different times. For Ukraine and the South of Russia, early varieties can be planted from April 25, late - from May 10. We try to finish all the planting works before the beginning of June.

Where to plant cabbage on the site?

Often newcomers are lost in the question of where to plant cabbage, making a lot of mistakes, and they end up with bad harvests. Excellent predecessors in the open ground for this crop are many types of cereals, root crops, bulbous, beans, cucumbers. It is undesirable to use one place for several years in a row and return to the previous one in less than 4 seasons. Choose an open, aerated and well-lit area. Cabbage loves water, but constantly wet soil with a lack of oxygen often leads to bacteriosis.

In what kind of soil to plant cabbage?

Excellent for this culture of chernozem, sod-podzolic and gray forest leached soil. The optimum acidity of the land on the site is 6.7-7.4 pH. Choosing a place where it is better to plant cabbage, we prepare a garden in open soil for the season. You can make one and a half buckets of peregremshego humus per square meter of the site. In the ground we add in the digging 2 spoons of superphosphate and a spoonful of potassium fertilizers.

What can I plant next to the cabbage?

This plant is friendly with many garden crops, so the question of planting next to cabbage in the open field is easily solved. You can safely place on the plot near the cabbage beds with beans, celery and salad, it is friendly with all kinds of greens, onions and beets. Spicy herbs scare off pests, so it is desirable for her neighborhood with dill, sage, basil, mint, marigold and marigold. It is not recommended near the cabbage to plant fennel, grapes, tomatoes, parsley with celery.

Care for cabbage after planting?

Having dealt with the technique how to plant cabbage properly, you need to pay attention to caring for plants in the open ground. The main activities for gardening are - loosening the soil, removing weeds, watering and feeding. Never forget about the fight against pests and infections that lie in wait for planting vegetables in the country.

The main diseases and pests of cabbage :

Against the cabbage, aphids and fleas help the treatment of soapy solution, the aspiration of leaves with ash. In case of severe infection, they are treated with drugs Aktara, Karate, Piretrum, Carbofos, Fufanon and other insecticides. Pests that live in the soil are expelled by effective means Mukhoed, Medetoks, Zemlin. Scoop is destroyed by traps, reducing the population of butterflies. Against the fungus helps Bordeaux liquid 1%, beds in the open ground treated with drugs Topsin-M, Benomil, Agat-25, Immunocytophyte.

Cabbage after planting - watering

For watering, water with a temperature of 18-23 ° C is better suited. In the absence of a drip irrigation system, it is advisable to feed the liquid into the wells. If you plant cabbage in the country, you can pour in the open ground under the plant to a bucket of water. Remember, abundant watering after prolonged heat provoke cracking of vegetables. The strongest cabbage needs water immediately after planting, during a period of strong growth of leaves and tying of heads.

Feeding of cabbage after planting

Beginner farmers are interested in the question of what to put in the hole after planting cabbage to increase the yield of vegetables. The first fertilizing is done two weeks after planting the seedlings with liquid ready fertilizers, 0.5 liter saltpeter solution or Mullein solution (5: 1). After 15-20 days, we help plants in the open field with organic or mineral compounds, mixing nitrate with superphosphate and potassium sulfate in a ratio of 1: 2: 1. The third time they feed cabbage in half a month. You can mix superphosphate with potassium phosphate (2: 1), sprinkle the soil near the bushes with wood ash.