Plots for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated on September 21, and this holiday is dedicated to the birth of the Virgin Mary. This day has a special energy, so it is ideal for using white magic rituals. There are various signs and plots for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, which are aimed at improving the life of a person. It is important to conduct rituals with an open mind and good intentions. First, it is worth cleaning the space from negative energy.

Plots for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

To begin with, a few words about the signs, it was believed that it was from this day that this autumn begins. If the sun shines brightly in the sky, then good weather will remain for the whole autumn. On this day it is customary to extinguish and light a new ray, which will bring happiness to the house.

Ritual for marriage . Lonely girls who dream of finding a soul mate can hold a simple ceremony. For him, it is necessary to tear a branch of hazel and tie it with a thread of red color to form a circle. Put it in a metal container and set it on fire. While the branch will burn, repeat the conspiracy of love at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin:

"How quickly the fire moves in a circle,

So soon I will meet my future spouse.

He will make me an offer, finally,

And I'll go with him to the wreath.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the twig burns, the remaining ash should be taken out into the street and scattered to the wind, saying:

"Ashes in the wind let,

Love in my life attract.

I was bachelor, and soon I will become a legitimate wife. "

If the ritual was correctly conducted, then during the year the girl will certainly meet the other half.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desire . It is difficult to meet a man who does not have a cherished desire, so at the Nativity of the Virgin, you can conduct a rite and read the plot to fulfill it. To do this, you should prepare a container with holy water, a green ribbon and nine twigs: three from different apple, hazel and birch. From the collected rods it is necessary to make a bouquet, tying them with a prepared ribbon. Sprinkle it with holy water and say such a conspiracy:

"I servant of God (name) got up in the morning, picked up twigs from different trees. Tied them in one bouquet. I want to ask the Lord for advice: how should I do it so that my dreams can be realized in life? Give me the Most High answer, I will be grateful to you for many years. Let my wish come true, but my life will fill with meaning. Amen".

After that, say your cherished desire and go to the apple tree that fructifies, and bury under it a conjoined bouquet.

Privorotny ritual . If the woman is not alone, but the feelings of the chosen one are not as strong as one would like, then one can perform a rite of white magic that will inflame the flame of love in his heart. For its carrying out it is necessary to take a shirt of the lover, and also capacity with spring water. On the night of September 21, it is necessary to say over the water three times the conspiracy for the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God:

"Bless me, Mother of God for the wedding crown!

Let my girlhood come to an end!

I do not want to wear girlish braids, let the girls do not wear unmarried women.

I ask you in return for a woman's handkerchief and a wedding sponge.


After this, you should wash the water in a tongue, and then wipe the face of the man with a shirt, which should be put under the pillow for the night. In the morning, give the thing to the beloved.