Sea salt from cellulite

Sea salt is used in medicine and cosmetology for centuries. But only the last decades sea salt is actively used against cellulite. It is impossible to calculate the total number of women suffering from the appearance of their skin, especially in the abdomen and hips. But, fortunately, simple and affordable tools help to cope with this defect.

Thanks to the fashion magazine Vogue, girls around the world began to worry about the tubercles and dimples on their skin, which few people previously paid attention to. The opinions of physicians are often reduced to one thing - to treat cellulite is necessary only in the fourth stage, when blood circulation in the tissues is disturbed. The previous three stages of stagnation in adipose tissue do not require intervention.

What ways to fight for beauty?

In order to find the ideal skin in problem areas, it is necessary to take several mandatory measures:

  1. Normalize the metabolism. Eat according to the principles of healthy eating.
  2. Dispose of bad habits, especially smoking.
  3. Solve problems with hormonal background, if any.
  4. Regularly engage in physical exercise, at least in minimal load.
  5. Use local methods of exposure to the skin - massages, scrubs, baths.

Here, for the last point, you will need sea salt, because for the skin this substance is just an invaluable benefit. The presence in its composition of minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iodine provides a multifaceted effect on the skin. The main beneficial effects of using sea salt are:

How to use the gift of sea water?

The first way in which you can use sea salt from cellulite, is taking baths. Such baths are made by courses, 10 procedures, ideally every other day. In a warm bath is added 500-700 g of salt. The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes. To enhance the effect of such baths, add a few drops of essential oil. The most popular and active oils are citrus fruits (grapefruit, lemon, orange, mandarin). In addition, the oil of geranium, juniper, jasmine, cypress and rosewood is used.

Very effective in combating skin imperfections will be salt masks for the body. The simplest and most accessible mask from this series is a mixture of 100 g sea salt, 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. ground, not boiled coffee. The mask is applied to zones with cellulite, light massage movements are rubbed into the skin, then covered with food film and insulated. The exposure time is 15 minutes, it is better to lie under the blanket. Then the mask is washed off with warm water and a moisturizing and nourishing cream is applied to the skin. In similar masks it is also possible to add essential oils for better effect.

Anti-cellulite scrub from sea salt is another tool, without which not to achieve good results. Salt scrubs clean, tone the skin, remove excess fluid and stimulate blood circulation. Scrubbing is applied 1-2 times a week, more frequent use can harm delicate skin.

To make the most simple salt scrub, mix 100 g of salt, 1 tbsp. Base oil and a few drops of essential oil, for example, grapefruit. Scrubbing consists in active massage of problem zones with the prepared mixture for 5-10 minutes. Then the mixture is washed off from the skin with warm water and a moisturizing, nourishing or anti-cellulite cream is applied.