Belly slimming charging

The abdomen is the most problematic part of the body for all women. The very nature ordered so that it starts to accumulate fat: a woman is a potential mother, and her possible baby needs a good depreciation! However, this feature is not a reason to reconcile with fatty deposits. For slimming can help the simplest complex of morning exercises.

Charge for stomach and sides: general recommendations

Daily exercise for weight loss is the most useful way for the body to be slim. If you combine it with proper nutrition, the fat will melt just before your eyes!

What should include an effective charge for losing weight? First of all, aerobic exercise. It is she, and by no means exercises for the press, helps to get rid of fat. Aerobic exercise is running, skipping rope, or doing exercises with a light weight and a lot of repetition. This is what you need for the fastest possible gaining harmony!

Charging in the morning for weight loss should be regular - otherwise it just will not have any effect. Choose yourself what is more convenient for you: three times a week, you can study for 1-1,5 hours or 5-7 times a week for 30-40 minutes. This choice largely determines your schedule and availability of free time. A definite effect will be given by one and the other approach.

Ideally, your morning exercise for a flat stomach should take place an hour before breakfast. As an option, after charging after 20-30 minutes you can drink a glass of skimmed yogurt, and after 1-1,5 hours you can follow a full breakfast.

However, home exercise for weight loss does not necessarily take place in the morning: you can arrange it in the evening, if for you it is more convenient. If you do not set out to keep muscle mass, and for you the primary goal - maximum weight loss, it is best not to eat 1.5-2 hours before training and 1.5-2 hours after it. If you want the muscles to be restored, you can, within 30-60 minutes after training, afford food from the maximally pure protein (low-fat cottage cheese, boiled chicken breast without skin). If you have a lot of fats and carbohydrates in the product, consider that your body will get energy from food and will not release it from your fat stores, which means that the effect of losing weight will be less pronounced.

Belly slimming charging

Charging for cleaning the stomach should include the following items:

  1. Warm up. This is suitable for running on the spot for 5-6 minutes, as well as traditional head turns and warm-up of the joints. Do not neglect this important part!
  2. After the warm-up, follow the exercise on the press at the fastest possible pace. Lying on your back with straight legs, put your hands behind your head and tear your shoulder blades off the floor, without tearing your lower back. Repeat 3 approaches for 15 times.
  3. Also, at a fast pace, perform an exercise for oblique muscles. Lying on your back, hands behind your head, bend your knees. The ankle of the right leg is placed on the left knee. Get off the floor and stretch your left elbow to the right knee. Repeat 15 times. After that, change the position of the legs and perform a similar exercise, but now stretch your right elbow to your left knee. Repeat the entire exercise 3 times.
  4. Now - the aerobic part. Within 5-6 minutes, jump with a rope in any way that you like best.
  5. Great, if you have a hoop, especially - weighted. It perfectly helps to cope with both the stomach and the sides, playing the role of a massager and forcing not only the muscles of the abdominal muscles to work, but also the muscles of the back.
  6. Hitch. Lay down on your back and stretch.

Charging for the abdominal muscles will take very little time, besides, just remember it and you do not have to constantly look for records. Already in the second and third week of classes you will notice the result.