23 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development

The sixth month of pregnancy is in full swing. By this time the baby's age is 21 weeks. In the physical and emotional state of the future mother, there are noticeable changes. The abdomen is markedly rounded, due to the increase in amniotic fluid volume. Increasingly, there is some slowness when walking.

We are growing, we are developing!

The development of the child for 23 weeks is very active. The kid is rapidly gaining weight - formed subcutaneous tissue. For a week the fruit can add up to 100 g. According to the averaged data, the weight of the baby can vary from 450-500 g. And the body length is 25-29 cm. in a week, he manages to grow, somewhere 1 cm. By its size, the fruit can be compared with eggplant.

Appearance of crumbs is still very unusual - a red, wrinkled and very thin baby. But at the same time, it is already well formed.

Evolution of the senses. Fetal development at the 23rd week of pregnancy allows him to hear the surrounding sounds. The child can already distinguish between voices. Most of all, his mother calms her voice. Too strong sounds can cause an alarm and a surge of activity.

Practically formed digestive system. Esophagus, stomach, thick and small intestine are prepared for future work. However, the child's first chair appears only after his birth.

The bone system is actively developing. Gradually formed the first marigold. A miniature body begins to cover Lanugo - the first dark fuzz on the body of the baby.

The respiratory and central nervous systems continue to form. The brain for the past three months increases in volume more than 10 times! But for its proper development, it is very important that there is enough oxygen. For this future mother it is necessary to find daily time for walking outdoors. It should also be remembered that any stressful situation can lead to oxygen starvation, which will have negative consequences.

The nature of the fetal movements also does not remain unchanged. Activity becomes more distinct. Many mothers can already feel the leg, arm or elbow of the baby. Sometimes it can cause discomfort to the mother. A child can sometimes feel it involuntarily or pull an umbilical cord.

The peculiarity of fetal development is 23-24 weeks is that most of the time he spends in a dream. Almost every hour the baby wakes up and makes itself felt by jolts and perturbations. Then, after a short wakefulness, again falls asleep. Therefore, in the normal course of pregnancy, per day, you can count about 10 movements and tremors of the child. Interestingly, according to scientific research, the development of the fetus 22-23 weeks already allows him to contemplate dreams.

What happens to the future mommy?

The condition of the mother is also changing. The weight gain by week 23, on average, ranges from 5-8 kg from its initial weight. Visibly thicker and more beautiful are the hair, the skin shines with health. But at the same time, more and more anxiety can cause heartburn, heaviness in the legs, pain in the area of ​​the sacrum. Try to eat right and avoid unnecessary physical fatigue.

As a rule, it is at the 23rd week of pregnancy that many parents will recognize the sex of the unborn child due to ultrasound.

It is very important that the development of pregnancy at the 23 rd week proceed in favorable conditions. Support for loved ones will help create a certain psychological comfort. It should be borne in mind that the chances for survival born at 23 weeks are very small - only 16%. Therefore, attentive attitude to your body - proper nutrition, outdoor walks, emotional stability and good mood, will help to enjoy this stage of pregnancy.