Growing pepper sprouts at home - the secrets of proper seeding and seed preparation

The amateur cultivation of pepper seedlings at home should start in the winter, so that by the time of landing it has grown stronger and has reached the age of 80 to 100 days. In an apartment to perform this task is not easy, but it is realistic if in time and thoroughly to study all the details of care for this southern plant.

Growing pepper seedlings

Burning and sweet varieties of pepper are distinguished by a long period of vegetation, so it is extremely difficult to get a good crop in a middle-stranded crop in a straight line. Facilitates the task of the nuance that the seedlings of this culture rarely outgrow and well tolerate the conditions on the windowsill. If to solve the problem of how to grow good seedlings of peppers at home, to come seriously, properly prepare seeds and soil, to provide germs with good backlight, even in a simple city apartment, you can achieve excellent results.

What to consider when choosing a variety of pepper:

  1. Hybrids cost more than varieties, but they have high yields and less are sick.
  2. Growing pepper seedlings at home from their own seeds, harvested from hybrids, is not recommended. Parental signs in this case are often not transmitted, which affects the yield.
  3. It is advisable to plant varieties with different maturation periods in order to have tasty fruits throughout the warm season.
  4. It should be borne in mind that in the cold climate (Siberia, the Urals) late varieties normally mature only in the presence of a greenhouse.
  5. The maturity of early pepper is 80-100 days, for medium varieties - up to 130 days, late varieties - 135-140 days and more.
  6. The shape of the fetus is spherical, conical, cuboidal, oval.
  7. The size of the fruit is from 5 cm ("Kolobok") to 25 cm ("Sweet Banana") and more.
  8. Color of fruit.
  9. Growing conditions - there are special grades for a greenhouse and a kitchen garden.
  10. The height of the bushes is from 30 cm to 170 cm.

Preparation of pepper seeds for planting on seedlings

Successful cultivation of pepper seedlings at home is obtained exclusively with the availability of quality and properly prepared seeds. Seed should be fresh. Normal germination has seeds with age 1-2 years, after 3 years germination can fall by 50%. If there is an old material, the check should be carried out in advance, the pepper sizing period can vary from 5 days to 30 days and more under the same conditions.

Treatment of pepper seeds before planting on seedlings assumes disinfection in 2% solution of manganese for 20 minutes or hydrogen peroxide 10%, then rinse them with water. Some fans practice bubbling in water with the compressor on, which saturates the liquid with oxygen. According to experts, this method increases the germination of seedlings in the home and accelerates germination. The duration of this operation is up to 5 hours. It must be remembered that planting material in the form of a dragee or capsules can not be soaked.

How correctly to soak seeds of pepper on sprouts?

In the question, when to soak the seeds of pepper for seedlings, lovers are guided by the varietal characteristics of plants. It is desirable to produce this process from the middle of February to March 5, so that by the time the plants are transferred to open soil, they will obtain seedlings with a single flower bud. Using growth promoters , always follow the instructions that describe the concentration of the solution and the duration of soaking of the seed.

How to soak pepper seeds when growing at home:

  1. Soaking in the stimulator " Epin " or " Zircon ", as an alternative, you can take potassium humate, "Albit", "Ideal" or another drug.
  2. Next, the inoculum is placed in wet gauze or cotton wool for 2 days, wrapping them in polyethylene.
  3. Completely to cover with water seeds is forbidden, for high-grade development oxygen is necessary.
  4. The best conditions for the germination of pepper are at a temperature of about 22-24 ° C.

How to sow sweet pepper on seedlings?

Excessive picking tightens the development of plants for up to two weeks, the rules for planting peppers on seedlings involve seeding in tablets or a common tray, followed by transfer to cups with the appearance of 2 sheets. The optimum volume of the pot is 1 liter or 2 liters, but this is feasible in a spacious greenhouse or working with a small number of seedlings. When growing pepper seedlings at home, you have to limit the cups to 100 ml - 200 ml or container height of 15 cm.

When to plant pepper on seedlings?

Expecting the expected dates of planting peppers for seedlings, we take into account the varietal features of culture and climate in our region. Early-ripening plants are sown for 60-65 days before planting, mid-ripening plants are planted for 70 days. Late pale pepper needs the most time for growth, so these varieties and hybrids are sown for 75-80 days before the proposed landing on the garden. Approximate terms in the room conditions for most regions - from the 20th of February to the middle of March.

Ground for pepper seedlings

The soil is desirable to prepare a loose, but nutritious, so that it holds the moisture well. In specialized stores, ready-made substrates are sold, in which it is recommended to add sand in a proportion of 1: 6 to make the composition breathable. Cultivation of quality pepper seedlings at home can be done in own soil, prepared from available components.

Preparation of home land for seedling peppers:

  1. It is necessary to take 2 parts of the well-rotten compost.
  2. We add 2 parts of peat to the container.
  3. To make the composition light, add 1 part of clean river sand.
  4. We mix the soil.
  5. Sieve the substrate with a sieve.
  6. Then you can burn the composition in the oven or steamed in a double boiler to disinfect it from pathogens and get rid of the seeds of weeds.

How deep should I put pepper on the seedlings?

If a container is chosen for work, then the ground falls asleep at home at 2 cm below the edge edges. Seed is decomposed after 2 cm, so that future sprouts do not shade each other. The depth of planting pepper seeds on seedlings is up to 1.5 cm, after which the soil should be slightly compressed with hands. Next, put the container in a warm place, maintaining the temperature of about 25-30 ° C. We monitor the state of humidity and produce regular spraying of the soil, not allowing it to dry out.

Planting pepper in peat pills for seedlings

Pepper planting is carried out as follows:

  1. For work, you need to purchase the required number of tablets with a diameter of 4 cm. They should be placed in a container and poured with boiling water, waiting for the full swelling of the substrate.
  2. We pour out excess moisture, make holes in the top of the tablets to a depth of 1.5 cm and lay out the prepared seeds.
  3. Now sprinkle the planting material with soil, cover the tray with film and put it in a warm place.
  4. Pepper sprouts in peat tablets germinate better at a temperature of 25 ° C. After the appearance of the first shoots, the container must be immediately put on a warm and light sill, and the polyethylene is removed.
  5. After the 3-4 seedlings appear on the seedlings, and the rootlets begin to come out of the ground, they are transferred to separate cups filled with a nutrient substrate. When transplanting plants are not completely removed from the pill, but the net on it is desirable to remove, so that it does not interfere with development.

Growing pepper seedlings in the cochlea

In small apartments it is not always possible to find a convenient place for the installation of boxes and numerous cups with seedlings. In order to save space, amateurs invent new ways of planting ornamental and agricultural plants, often obtaining excellent results. Growing pepper sprouts at home in a snail is a relatively new method, but it is easy to implement and quickly gaining popularity.

How to plant peppers on seedlings in a snail:

  1. For work it is necessary to prepare a small plastic container of the required volume, a piece of a substrate for a laminate with a width from a roll of toilet paper and up to 1.5 m in length, a pair of rubber bands, a packet of polyethylene, prepared seeds and soil.
  2. We lay out the tape from the substrate on the table.
  3. Top with a thin layer of moistened soil and rammed.
  4. Leaving the edge of the tape to 2 cm, lay the harvested seeds with an interval of 1-2 cm, pressing them lightly with their fingers to the ground.
  5. In the process of work we begin to twist the cochlea, gradually moving further along the tape.
  6. Rolling a "roll" of a suitable diameter, we tighten it with an elastic band to fix the shape.
  7. We put the cochlea on the butt with seeds upwards and cover the coils with soil, leveling the top layer.
  8. We transfer the snail to the plastic tray.
  9. Humidify the soil from the spray.
  10. We cover the snail with a package, creating a small greenhouse, tightening the roll with an elastic band.
  11. With the following watering, we pour water not on the soil, but inside the pan.
  12. We put the snail into heat.
  13. When the shoots appear, the package is taken off.

How many peppers do the seedlings have?

When grown on the windowsill of pepper, sprouts often appear unevenly at home. This problem often occurs when working with dry planting material. The answer to the question of how long the pepper grows on the seedlings depends on the quality soaking and sprouting. Untreated in the stimulator and seeds not germinated can sprout up to 20-30 days. If you want to speed up the process and get seedlings for 7-15 days, which is extremely important in late planting times, you can not neglect soaking.

How to care for pepper seedlings?

The main care for pepper sprouts is in regular watering and maintaining the optimum growth temperature of 26-28 ° C. At 30-35 ° C plants are stretched faster, the risk of contracting fungal diseases increases. We remove the film immediately after punching the shoots. Artificial illumination of pepper in the winter months is a must, an optimum light day for growing this culture - 12-14 hours. In cloudy weather, self-made reflective foil screens help to improve the situation.

Watering pepper seedlings

All newcomers are concerned about the problem of how often to water the pepper's home seedlings. The formation of a hard dry crust on the surface of the earth is no less harmful than the introduction of excess water. Caviar or container watering should be done regularly, but without heavy soil overmoistening. Stagnant water during cultivation causes a " black leg " and other troubles. Reduces the risk of diseases using a substrate with a light composition and arrangement of drainage holes in containers.

How to pick pepper on seedlings?

If the pepper is grown in a large overall capacity, then it needs a pike. This process is carried out in the phase of 2 leaves, pre-moistening the soil. Transfer the seedlings to separate beakers in a volume of 150-200 ml. The main thing in the matter is how to pick up pepper seedlings at home - do not damage the tender roots and carry the plants carefully together with a small clod of soil. The root neck is buried 0.5 cm. After picking, the pots are watered and put in the shade for the first few days, after which they are transferred back to the light window sill.

How to feed pepper seedlings?

When growing at home for two months, gradually the soil is depleted, which leads to growth inhibition. Two weeks after the picking, you can dilute a half teaspoon of urea and 2.5 ml of sodium humate into 1 liter of water. Re-fertilization takes place 10 days after the appearance of the 5th leaf. It is made with urea (0.5 tsp / 1 liter of water) with potassium monophosphate (1 tsp / 1 liter of water). Ready-made fertilizers for fertilizing paddy seedlings are now easily purchased in stores. Ideal, Aquadon Micro, Orton Micro-Fe or similar complex preparations are suitable.