Foods high in calcium

Since childhood, each of us repeatedly heard that calcium is an important substance, without which bones and tissues can not grow and develop. Regularly including foods high in calcium in the diet , you care about the health of your musculoskeletal system and teeth. We will consider the best sources of this element, which can include absolutely anyone in your diet.

How much calcium do I need?

Do not forget that too much calcium is also bad, like its deficiency. Adding to your diet foods rich in calcium, or actually calcium preparations, always consider the daily rate, so as not to overload the body with an excess of this substance.

Doctors have established that a healthy, adult person should receive from food 100 mg of calcium per day. To children under 8 years 800 mg are supposed, and teenagers from 9 to 18 - 1300 mg a day. Women who have a baby, you need to consume calcium much more - up to 2000 mg per day.

Products with the maximum content of calcium

It is worth noting that a high content of calcium in foods is often observed, and you do not have to add exotic dishes to your diet to get enough of this element. There will be enough of the following:

It does not matter, you will get Ca from products with high calcium content or from drugs - the main thing is that along with it, the elements that are necessary for its assimilation act.

Products with the highest content of calcium: improve digestion

In order that calcium salts can be processed and assimilated organism, you need to create a certain environment. It is believed that the environment is best help the acid, so calcium preparations should be consumed together with vitamin C. It will be effective if you simply take food rich in calcium, along with food rich in ascorbic acid - for example, spinach, lemon, sorrel, e.

To calcium could get into the blood, he needs a conductor as vitamin D, which the body produces itself under the influence of sunlight.

For calcium to absorb completely, it is important to maintain a balance of phosphorus and magnesium , which are rich in legumes, seafood and fish, cocoa and whole wheat flour products.