Movies that change consciousness

There are many films that surprise with their special effects, graphics, but not a story. And there are those who are able to change a person's consciousness. Coming out of the cinema, comes the realization that the world has not changed ... You have changed.

Top 10 Movies That Change Consciousness

1. Forest Gump . The film will tell about a simple and good-natured guy with an open, childishly naive, soul. Even having achieved incredible success , Forest remains itself. Forgiving, loyal and honest hero, who in any conditions could remain a man.

2. The revolver . The film, which has changed the consciousness of more than one person, can be reviewed endlessly and each time to discover something new. He not only mentions that the main enemy always hides where you least expect, but also shows the viewer his face. It is only necessary to understand what is called this enemy ...

3. "The smell of a woman . " Love is not always noticeable, but it does not detract from its significance. A young girl, sincerely and tenderly loving a man, is ready to accept him any: blind, rude and passed through other people's embraces. And he will always be the best for her. The one she will wait exactly as long as needed. The piercing film once again confirms that beauty is always in the eyes of the beholder.

4. "In pursuit of happiness . " In an ordinary family, which had its own dreams and plans, joys and failures, a black streak comes. Money is sorely lacking, and the husband, instead of finding a middle-paid job, is trying to break through to an unattainable position. The wife throws him alone with the child and leaves for another city. A story based on real events will tell you about an ordinary person who has done everything to achieve his goal. The film is especially suitable for those who dropped their hands and lost faith in themselves. Nothing is lost until you give up.

5. "Steve Jobs. The Empire of temptation . " The film, based on real events, will tell the viewer where the career of such a successful personality as Steve Jobs began. A force bordering on cruelty, non-ordinary, striving and self-confidence. Having passed this path together with the main character, it is unlikely that you will allow yourself to think that success is just the result of luck.

6. "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas . " This is an adult war and ideas of racial purity. And the children are different. They have a game, childhood and sincere bewilderment, why good people can be called enemies. The war with the eyes of an eight-year-old child who does not yet share the world with his own and others', who can not judge by his belonging to a particular nation. This adults always find something to fight for, and children do not need it. A film that can not have a happy ending. But a person needs his own tragedy, before he learns to empathize with a stranger.

7. "And I'm dancing inside . " Many do not have time to live, there are no opportunities to practice their favorite activities, there is no reason to be happy. But the heroes of this film are not just people. They are chained to a wheelchair. And everyone has a purpose. And unwillingness to give up. The film, expanding and changing consciousness, will give impetus to learning to live. Live for real.

8. "The Choristers" . In the postwar period, the music teacher is forced to work in a boarding school for difficult teenagers. The good natured and soft character shock the methods of education of this school. Children, grown not so much in severity as in cruelty, begin to respond the same. The main character comes to the idea of ​​creating a chorus. But how will fierce children react to this? ..

A simple and sincere film that radically changes the minds of not only educators, but also parents, will tell you that seeds sometimes sprout even on completely dry and seemingly infertile soil.

9. "All life before the eyes . " Two girlfriends-schoolgirls live completely different lives. And if one is filled with dreams of family, love and kindness, the second one wants to try all the most forbidden and shocking now. And in pursuit of pleasure, a schoolgirl deprives her child of life. But one day the girls will have a choice, standing the life of one of them. And only by scrolling ahead of your future, it is possible to understand if there is anything in this future for you ...

Psychological film, changes perceptions and quite hard on consciousness. Trying on your future, is it not scary to see emptiness? ..

10. The Scarecrow . The film, based on the eponymous work by V. Zheleznikov, is based on real events. The first Soviet film, so ruthlessly debunked a bright image of honest pioneers, showing the cruelty and herdness of children. The topic, touched by the author, unfortunately, is relevant in the modern world and, especially, in the adult society.