Carving hair

Hair carving is the chemical treatment of strands. In order to do it, hairdressing masters use sparing compositions and a variety of curlers: thin, "boomerangs", large and many others. Hair curling carving has appealed to a huge number of women, as it not only gives volume, but also holds for a long time.

Advantages of carving

Long-term styling of hair carving is considered due to the fact that the effect of it is kept from 4 to 8 weeks. It depends on the type of hair and the composition used. Carving comes off gradually and the hair along the entire length of the uniformly return to the old form. But this is not the only advantage of this styling, also:

Before you do carving hair, make sure that you have no contraindications to this procedure. You should not do this immediately after milling or staining, during lactation and during pregnancy, and also if you have split and damaged hair.

Carving procedure

There are several types of carving hair. Classification is based on the type and length of your curls, as well as the effect of the wave that you want to get. If you want to become the owner of curly hair, then small hair curlers are used. But a large hair carving with the help of large in size hair curlers do in the case when it is necessary that the hair was from a few twisted strands.

Carve for long, medium and short hair. But it is necessary that the ends of your hair style are in good condition: alive and not split . Otherwise, after the procedure, the hair will be unpresentable and untidy, and the curl may form incorrectly. Therefore, before carving hair should always consult a specialist. He will analyze the condition and structure of the hair, pick up the right kind of curl that will suit you perfectly for the type of hair, advise which hair curlers should be used and what should be done after the procedure.

Before you start curling hair carving, you should conduct special treatment procedures to contribute to a deep structural restoration of your curls.

Carving technique

The technology of such a wave is simple:

  1. Hair wind on the curlers.
  2. Cover them for a while with a special formulation that does not contain the theoglycolate or ammonia.
  3. Curlers are removed, and the curls are thoroughly washed and dried.

The whole procedure takes 1.5-2 hours.

Hair care

After you have done carving for long, medium or short hair, special care is not required for your locks, and you can lay your locks with any means that you are accustomed to. But to use special cosmetics for weakened hair and to do moisturizing and restoring masks is still recommended.

For care it is necessary to use not only professional means, but also preparations prepared at home, containing the root of burdock, dog rose, macadamia, cocoa butter, aloe juice or green coffee.

To make it as easy as possible to style your hair after carving, do not rub it with a towel after washing and do not comb it too hard. Never fall asleep with wet hair, but do not dry them with a hairdryer. In the summer months, be sure to use products with UV protection.

Having carving the hair to lay more precise curls, you can use both hair curlers and curlers. But it is advisable to do this 5-7 days after waving.