The Zaitsev table

If your child does not accept a sedentary, boring way of learning, then Zaitsev's technique is what you need. With her help to train writing and reading you can even the smallest fidgets. As a rule, specialized classes are held in schools of early development, however, it is possible to comprehend the first basics at home. To do this, parents should purchase Zaitsev's allowance, which consists of cubes and syllables for reading.

Taking into account the age-specific features of the development of the youngest pupils, Nikolai Alexandrovich offered to start learning from an elementary speech unit, that is, with a warehouse. It is pairs of consonant and vowel letters that are depicted on cubes and syllables of Zaitsev. Cubes differ in size, weight, color and sound, such a variety allows the child to get a full picture of the surrounding sounds. Simultaneously with cubes, Zaitsev's reading tables are used, where all the same syllables (warehouses) are placed. On them the child learns to compose words and sing them.

Recommendations for the use of syllables for reading Zaitsev

At first glance it may seem that the tables are not as important as the cubes. But, according to NA Zaitsev himself, only a complex use of the table with syllables (warehouses) and the cubes themselves will give a quick and positive result. For example, kids 4-6 years old learn to read after 3-4 lessons. If the training is conducted in groups, the tables are hung high, in order to avoid violations of posture and vision. At home, for one or two children, it is better to place them in a place where the kids spend the maximum amount of time.

In the tables are placed syllables on the system "voiced-deaf" and "soft-hard", as well as punctuation, mathematical actions and figures. Thus, the methodology involves learning not only to write and read, but also to the account, gives an idea of ​​the composition of the number, the operations of addition and subtraction.